Showing posts from June, 2010

The Protein Myth

Welcome to this week's edition of   Needs vs Wants Wednesday , where I dare to reevaluate wh…

Random Tidbits

I stumbled upon this questionnaire on a blog I was reading, and even though I wasn't tagged …

Frugal Gardening

Gardening- ah! The frugal person's dream. With so many diy garden ideas out there, many hav…

Stale Bread

Straight out of the oven, I can gobble bread right down plain. Once it starts getting a bit ol…

Weekly Menu Plan

To inspire all you readers, here's my weekly menu plan, including detailed breakfast, lunch …

Friday Feedback

I have a few different questions and ideas that I wanted to swing by my readers and figured that…

This week's menu

I've fallen out of habit of posting my shopping list and menu. For now, here's my weekly…

Stockpiling 101

I try to spend very little money at the grocery store. Though coupons are not available where I …

Frugal vs Stingy

Photo Credit- We frugal people get a bad rap. We get accused of being neglectfu…

Frugal Water Fun

Kids love water. (At least most do.) Playing with water in the summer is a great way to keep coo…

Mock Lipton's Iced Tea

I used to live off of Lipton's Instant Iced Tea. Every morning I'd wake up, make myself…

Site Makeover for Free

If you're a regular to Penniless Parentin g, you'll notice that a change occurred overni…

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