Starting to Vlog- and Easy Grain Free Spaghetti Recipe Video

Lots of local people have asked if I can teach cooking classes, and I'm strongly considering the idea, but I can't do it in my home, because my kitchen is too small for a crowd. I asked a friend if I could teach the classes in her large kitchen in her home, and she said she would be happy to host, and suggested that I also make cooking videos at her home and post it in youtube. Which greatly appealed to me- why not make youtube videos about cooking, in addition to just sharing recipes on my blog?

So I decided I'll start Vlogging in addition to just blogging. Hopefully it'll be fun for you to watch, I had fun making these videos. Mike is my videographer, and Anneliese is the background music. ;) I'm just starting out, so I hope you'll bear with me as I learn details about how to make videos.
P.S. I don't have a lisp- I have no clue why my camera makes me sound like I have a lisp!

This is my introduction video-

And now that we have that intro, here's my first "official" video, how to make your own zucchini pasta without a spiralizer.

The tool I used in the video is called a julienne peeler, and you can buy one on for very cheap- only 8 dollars, which is cheaper than a pasta maker and easier too!

This zucchini pasta is good for raw vegans, people gluten free, grain free, on the GAPS/SCD diet, paleo/primal, or just anyone who wants to increase their vegetable consumption.

I used this zucchini spaghetti today for lunch, served with wild greens meatballs, white sauce made from sunflower seed milk, raw carrot salad, and sauted dock with zucchini. GAPS legal, Paleo/Primal, filling, and yummy, a perfect meal for my family now that my husband is going GAPS/Paleo to deal with his seasonal allergies.

My kids especially really liked the zucchini spaghetti... maybe I should just call it zpaghetti for short.

Ever make zucchini spaghetti? Do you eat it raw or cooked? What is your favorite way to eat it?

Linking up to Real Food Wednesday and Allergy Free Wednesday

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal


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  1. Hi Penny! Great the alternative to a spiralizer! Have put it on my wish list...thank you! The Zpaghetti looks YUMMO! Enjoyed Anneliese's background music! :) Cheeryshirley

  2. Great idea! Can't wait to try it! I even have one of those peelers! We got it as a wedding gist and I never used it before. Also, love the vlog- makes it seem even easier to do!

  3. I use a regular peeler to make wider ribbons and sautee it with olive oil, salt, and garlic. It's delicious!

  4. I thought I was buying a peeler like that but it makes strips about 1mm wide - too small! I love this recipe and will be sharing it. Thanks.

  5. Hi Penny,

    It's now been a few months that I follow your blog from here, Alsace, France.
    There's one word that's comes to my mouth watching your videos and following your blog : " Bravo !".


  6. Great videos! I was wondering about the lisp, that's weird that the camera does that!

  7. I am SO proud of you! Thank you for the wonderful videos and the excellent idea how to make our own vegetable pasta. I love spaghetti squash, and use that when I can get it at a reasonable price, but now I'll be able to use our zuchinnis through the summer! Yay!!! :D

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