KidGuard- Keeping Your Children Safe Online

As a mom with kids who are getting older, the debate in my head about whether or not to allow my children to get cell phones and other tech devices of their own rages in my head. We finally decided to get my 9 year old a smart phone for his birthday in September, with a data plan, but it stresses me out somewhat. Is it safe? Is it a good idea? Then my mind starts wondering- is it safe for him to not have a cell phone of his own, especially as he gets more independent, and I allow him to go places without me unsupervised?

KidGuard, a company whose aim is to protect children using technology, contacted me and asked me to tell my readers about their service. What they do is reassuring for parents like myself, who debate about smart phones and tech for kids- who want to get it for their kids, but at the same time, don't want to compromise on safety.

What KidGuard does is monitor children's cell phones and track them, which allows parents to "spy" on their kids' text messages, monitor gps location, track phone logs, chats, allowing the parent to stay on top of issues such as cyberbullying, online predators, teen depression, and other risks to their children arising from the internet.

KidGuard has a guide to preventing child abduction, kidnapping, and missing children, and provides you with information to share with your kids about how to prevent kidnapping and to teach them about stranger danger as well as about common lures kidnappers use.

You might have heard that in today's world, children are most likely to be abducted by their parents or other relatives. This is especially a concern in divorced families- KidGuard can be especially beneficial in such cases, to be able to monitor the child's whereabouts and their communication with a dangerous or problematic parent and keep them safe.

Some parents may not feel comfortable with "spying" on your kids, some parents choose not to give their kids technology at all, for whatever reason. KidGuard isn't for everyone, but it is a good middle ground for people who do wish to give their kids tech, and aren't ready to just hand it over to their kids with free reign.

Visit their website, for more information.

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Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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