Everything You Should Know About Kids And Electrical Safety

We need to use electricity in our lives. But there's no doubt that the usage of electricity poses risks. Especially to little ones. Children are exploratory creatures. They want to learn and discover and see what things are and what happens when I drop something from high up, will it always go down? They learn about the world via playing and that is good, but there are some things we don't want them to play with, because learning lessons with them can be dangerous. Babyproofing and childproofing your house is really important with little kids because of this. (And even sometimes older kids do things with electricity that make you do a double take... )

Electricity is a basic need for survival in the modern world. It gets everything done with a click. From switching on the light to charging your phone, electricity does it all. But one can never foresee the dangers that it brings.

Yes, electricity can be very harmful to you and your loved ones if not used with caution. From your living room to your bedroom to your bathroom, everywhere you have electricity. And when you have kids at home, then you should be even more responsible.

Kids tend to get excited about new things. They want everything regardless of what it is used for. There are times when your kid starts chewing an electric cord or plays with a plug. Thus, you need to be aware of what your child is playing with.

Here are some ways through which you can ensure your kid’s safety from electrical hazards even when you are not around:

Keep A Check On The Electrical Infrastructure Of Your House

The first and the most important thing that you can do is to check your house’s electrical infrastructure. Sometimes, broken or damaged wires can lead to unwanted electrical accidents. It can be harmful to your kid.

Also, check whether your electrical infrastructure is kid-friendly or not. Hanging wires, uncovered power outlets, electronic gadgets around your kid’s playing area are indicators of poor electrical infrastructure. Thus, your electrical wiring should be checked at regular intervals.

Cover All The Power Outlets With Safety Covers

Make sure all the power outlets at your house are covered with a safety cover. It ensures your child’s safety. Otherwise, your kid can insert their finger, a pen, pencil, or any other thing inside the outlet that can lead to electric shock.

Other than that you can also cover them by smartly placing your furniture around your house.

Keep All Electrical Appliances Far Away from Your Child’s Reach

All the electrical appliances, be it television, refrigerator, hairdryer, room heater, etc. should be not be kept near the kid’s area. These appliances are prone to giving an electric shock.

Playing around them increases the risk of electrical hazards. You should teach kids to ask an adult whenever they need to use an electronic gadget. Children below 8 years should not touch any electrical appliance in the absence of an adult.

Unplug Devices When Not In Use

Humans tend to forget minute things. We often forget to unplug devices after use. Your device can overheat and get damaged. It can be dangerous for your little one. All the devices should be unplugged and kept in a safe place after use.

Do not use extension cords for longer durations and overload your socket. It can lead to electrical fires. Always use the plug for unplugging and not the cord. It can damage the cord and increase the danger. Ensure you have appropriate wire-to-wire connectors.

Cover All The Visible Wires With Plastic Or Wooden Boards

While setting up electrical connections at home you should always cover the visible wires with plastic or wooden board. If it is not covered then there are possibilities that your infant can chew them or play with them. It is unsafe for your child.

Therefore you should always cover loose wires or secure them properly using clamps.

Teach Your Child About Electrical Safety

Children should be taught about electrical safety to prevent accidents. You should tell them about how electricity works and why it can be harmful.

You can teach your kid about electrical safety rules with the help of videos available online. Children understand visuals better and that can be a good way to make them understand the complexity of electricity.

Keep Water Away from Electricity

Water is a good conductor of electricity which means that it can catch electric current faster. The human body also contains 70% water. Thus, your child should not go near any electrical appliance after taking a bath. Also, do not keep any device that uses electricity near water to avoid the risk of accidents.

Avoid Playing Near Power Stations

While outdoors, make sure that your children don’t play around areas that have power lines or substations. These areas are high-risk zones and should be avoided. Electric poles and trees near power stations should also be avoided.

While playing outdoors teach them to seek shelter during thunderstorms or rains. In any case, kids should not play in areas where there is a high usage of electricity.

Use Safety Devices To Prevent Accidents

Even after taking all the necessary precautions, it is recommended that you should install home safety devices at home. Devices like fire alarms, smoke alarms, server cabinets, disconnect enclosures, etc. are useful in preventing electrical accidents at home.

Many server cabinet manufacturers make good-quality server rack cabinets that can be used in data centers, offices, and homes. It helps in protecting your loose hanging wires.

Know When To Ask For Help

Whether you are an adult or a kid, you should always know from where you can get help. Teach your children to ask for help from an adult in case of electrical hazards. Also, tell them about the emergency number that can be used whenever any accident happens due to electricity.


Every parent wants to protect their kids from all kinds of accidents. The best way to do that is to teach your children about the pros and cons of every situation. Electricity is a sensitive phenomenon that can cause fatal injuries if not handled with caution. Hence, it becomes necessary to have electrical safety for your kids.

Having an electrical infrastructure following the latest accepted electricity codes is necessary. It ensures safety from electrical hazards. Moreover, knowing what to do and what not to do is also essential for your child’s safety.

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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