Eight Reasons Why Accreditation Matters in Higher Education

If you are considering going to college or sending your kids to college, you may be contemplating where to send them. There are some colleges that aren't accredited and while some things may draw you to one of those places, there are some big potential downfalls with sending to such a school. Here are some reasons why you should make sure that you send your kids or go yourself to an accredited school.

As you embark on your journey through higher education, making the right choice of college or university, you might stumble upon the term "accreditation."

You may wonder what does it entail and, more significantly, why should it concern you? In simple terms, accreditation is a validation process that educational institutions undergo to certify that they conform to a set of stringent quality benchmarks defined by an external authority.

However, the role of accreditation stretches far beyond merely assuring quality. It catalyzes improvement, inspiring educational institutions to continually explore better methods to serve their students and substantially contribute to the broader academic realm.

This article will illuminate the crucial role accreditation plays in higher education.

1. Assurance of Quality Education

When an institution is accredited, it signifies that the school's academic programs meet or exceed established quality standards. This is of paramount importance for students, who understandably want to ensure that their investment in education will yield significant dividends.

An accredited institution guarantees that its curriculum is up-to-date, faculty members are well-qualified, facilities are adequate, and support services are in place to help students succeed.

In other words, it assures students that they will receive a high-quality education that equips them with the skills needed for the future.

2. Validation for Professional Licensure

A major reason accreditation matters is its role in validating eligibility for professional licensure. Numerous professions, including teaching, engineering, and healthcare, require individuals to be licensed or certified before they can practice.

This ensures these professionals meet the necessary standards to perform their duties effectively and safely.

For example, aspiring therapists are often required to graduate from COAMFTE accredited MFT schools to ensure eligibility for licensure in most states.

Why? Because the accreditation status of your program bears a direct impact on your potential to practice your profession, underscoring the significance of making informed choices in your educational journey.

3. Importance of Accreditation for Financial Aid

Navigating the path of higher education can be financially challenging for many students. Hence, financial aid, which includes scholarships, grants, and loans, can be a lifeline in helping students pursue their academic aspirations.

Interestingly, the prospect of receiving financial aid is intertwined with an institution's accreditation status.

Federal financial aid, a significant source of educational funding for many, is typically only accessible to students enrolled in accredited institutions.

This policy is a critical cog in the machinery of higher education funding, ensuring that taxpayer dollars are directed toward institutions that adhere to stringent standards of quality and accountability.

4. Ease in Credit Transfers

There's no guarantee that every student will complete their entire academic journey at a single institution. Transfers are common, especially among students who begin their studies at a community college before transferring to a four-year institution.

However, the transfer process isn't always seamless, especially when transferring credits.

Accreditation plays a crucial role in easing this process. Credits earned at an accredited institution are more likely to be accepted at other accredited institutions.

While individual universities ultimately decide which credits to accept, they are typically more receptive to credits earned from an accredited institution.

5. Boosts Institutional Accountability and Improvement

Accreditation isn't merely a "set it and forget it" process. Maintaining the accreditation requires institutions to undergo regular reviews, ensuring they meet the set quality standards.

This fosters an environment of continuous improvement, prompting institutions to evaluate their practices, identify areas for improvement, and implement necessary changes.

In this way, accreditation strengthens institutional accountability. It ensures that institutions are held responsible for maintaining the quality of their educational offerings and services. This ongoing process of self-evaluation and improvement benefits the institution and its students, who are assured of a dynamic, quality educational environment.

6. Recognition in Postgraduate Applications

If you are considering furthering your education with a master's or doctoral degree, then the accreditation status of your undergraduate program could be crucial. Most accredited postgraduate programs require applicants to have an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution. This ensures that the prospective student has received a quality education that prepares them for the rigors of advanced study.

Therefore, graduating from an accredited program enhances your employment prospects and paves the way for higher academic pursuits. It opens further educational opportunities, facilitating personal and professional growth.

7. Promoting Continuous Self-evaluation and Improvement

Institutional self-evaluation stands as a cardinal element of the accreditation process. Schools don't just need to align with certain standards for initial accreditation. They must also face periodic re-evaluations to preserve their accredited status.

These reviews inspire schools to scrutinize their programs and services and initiate ongoing improvements.

This commitment to perpetual enhancement ensures the education students obtain isn't static. Instead, it's constantly evolving to align with shifting industry trends and societal demands. It holds institutions accountable and fosters a culture of excellence, benefiting not just the students but the community at large.

8. Safeguarding Students

Accredited institutions earn recognition for their adherence to quality standards, assuring students that their educational investment is well-placed.

This acknowledgment extends beyond just educational quality, impacting everything from credit transfers to postgraduate applications and job opportunities.

Moreover, accreditation facilitates a constructive feedback mechanism. It equips students with a platform to voice their grievances and concerns about their institution, ensuring they have a say in shaping their educational experience.

Accreditation authorities ensure these concerns are heard, probed, and addressed, further fortifying student rights.


Accreditation is a vital component of the higher education landscape. It serves as a lighthouse of quality, guiding students toward institutions that deliver a solid, relevant, and high-grade education.

As you sail through the journey of higher education, the insights shared above should illuminate the significance of accreditation. It's not just a fancy term in a college brochure; it's a key determinant that can significantly steer your educational journey and what lies beyond.

So, as you weigh your options, make it a point to verify the accreditation status of the institutions on your list because quality matters in your education.

Penniless Parenting

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