How to Choose Between a Gasoline-Powered Children's Motorcycle and an Electric Motorcycle

When I saw the title of this post I was confused. A children's motorcycle? Is that like for your 16 year old? Don't they have the same types of motorcycles as adults? Is that actually safe and something we want to be encouraging our teenagers to use, when, as it is, teenagers tend to be less responsible when it comes to safety than adults? (My ex was hit by a teenager riding a motorcycle!) But then I looked into it more and found out that children's motorcycles are not actual motorcycles geared towards children, they're more a toy, akin to a bicycle that doesn't need to be pedaled... and it doesn't even go as fast as a bike does, so safety is not an issue here. But if your kid wants one, is it better to get a gas powered one or an electric one? 

Choosing between a gasoline-powered children's motorcycle and an electric motorcycle can be a tough decision for parents. Both types of motorcycles have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the right choice depends on various factors such as performance, maintenance, environmental impact, cost, and safety. In this article, we will dive deep into these aspects to help you make an informed decision.


Motorcycles are a thrilling and fun way for children to experience the joy of riding. When it comes to selecting a motorcycle for your child, the decision often boils down to choosing between a gasoline-powered model and an electric one. Each type has unique features that cater to different needs and preferences. This guide aims to compare and contrast these options to assist you in selecting the best motorcycle for your child.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the comparison, it's essential to understand what sets gasoline-powered motorcycles apart from electric motorcycles. Knowing the fundamental differences will provide a solid foundation for evaluating their performance, maintenance, and other factors.

What is a Gasoline-Powered Children's Motorcycle?

Gasoline-powered children's motorcycles run on internal combustion engines, similar to those found in adult motorcycles and cars. These engines use gasoline as fuel to produce power, offering a traditional motorcycle experience with familiar engine sounds and vibrations. Gasoline-powered motorcycles are known for their robustness and capability to deliver higher speeds and power compared to their electric counterparts.

What is an Electric Children's Motorcycle?

Electric children's motorcycles, on the other hand, are powered by electric motors and rechargeable batteries. They offer a quieter, more environmentally friendly alternative to gasoline engines. Electric motorcycles are generally easier to operate and maintain, making them an attractive option for parents looking for a hassle-free experience. Additionally, electric motorcycles provide a smoother ride with instant torque and acceleration.

One excellent example is the Cruiser 12 Plus (With APP), which offers a range of exciting features such as Bluetooth music playback, an RGB audio system, and even simulated fog effects. This electric motorcycle combines safety, fun, and technological innovation, making it a top choice for young riders.

Comparing Performance

Performance is a crucial factor when choosing a motorcycle for your child. Let's compare the speed, power, and range of gasoline-powered and electric motorcycles.

Speed and Power

Gasoline-powered motorcycles typically have higher top speeds and more power than electric motorcycles. This can make them more exciting for older children who crave speed and adventure. However, the increased speed also requires more skill and caution when riding. Electric motorcycles, while generally slower, provide sufficient speed for younger children and beginners. Their instant torque offers quick acceleration, which can be thrilling for young riders.

The Cruiser 12 Plus (With APP), for instance, comes with three adjustable speeds up to 10 mph, making it suitable for various terrains and providing a safe yet thrilling experience for kids.

Range and Battery Life

The range of a gasoline-powered motorcycle is limited only by the fuel tank capacity and the availability of gasoline. A full tank can last for several hours of continuous riding. Electric motorcycles, however, are dependent on battery life. Most electric models offer a range of about 1-2 hours of riding on a single charge, depending on the battery capacity and usage. Charging times vary, with some batteries requiring several hours to fully recharge.

The Cruiser 12 Plus (With APP) is equipped with a 21.9V 5.2A lithium-ion battery, ensuring long hours of fun without frequent recharges, allowing for endless exploration and play.

Maintenance and Durability

Maintenance needs and durability are significant considerations when choosing between gasoline and electric motorcycles.

Gasoline-Powered Maintenance Requirements

Gasoline-powered motorcycles require regular maintenance, including oil changes, fuel system checks, and engine tune-ups. These motorcycles have more moving parts that can wear out over time, necessitating frequent inspections and repairs. The maintenance costs can add up, but regular upkeep ensures the longevity and reliability of the motorcycle.

Electric Motorcycle Maintenance Requirements

Electric motorcycles have fewer moving parts and thus require less maintenance. The primary upkeep involves battery care, such as ensuring proper charging and storage. Electric motors are generally more durable and less prone to mechanical failures compared to internal combustion engines. This makes electric motorcycles a more convenient option for parents who prefer low-maintenance vehicles.

The Cruiser 12 Plus (With APP) stands out with its smooth power output and fewer maintenance requirements, making it a practical choice for busy parents.

Environmental Impact

Environmental considerations play a significant role in the decision-making process, especially for eco-conscious families.

Emissions and Pollution

Gasoline-powered motorcycles emit exhaust gases, contributing to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The environmental impact is a concern, especially if the motorcycle is used frequently. In contrast, electric motorcycles produce zero emissions during operation, making them a greener choice. However, it's important to consider the source of electricity used for charging, as it can also impact the overall environmental footprint.

Noise Levels

Gasoline-powered motorcycles are known for their loud engine noise, which can be both a pro and a con. The noise can add to the excitement of riding but may also be a disturbance in residential areas. Electric motorcycles operate quietly, offering a peaceful riding experience that won't disturb neighbors or wildlife. This makes electric motorcycles ideal for use in noise-sensitive environments.

The Cruiser 12 Plus (With APP), for example, features real engine sounds with dazzling color-changing lights, creating an immersive experience without the disruptive noise levels of gasoline engines.

Cost Considerations

The cost of purchasing and maintaining a motorcycle is another critical factor to consider.

Initial Purchase Price

Generally, gasoline-powered motorcycles have a lower initial purchase price compared to electric motorcycles. The advanced technology and battery components in electric motorcycles tend to make them more expensive upfront. However, prices for electric models are gradually becoming more competitive as technology advances and production scales up.

Long-Term Costs

While gasoline motorcycles might be cheaper initially, their long-term costs can be higher due to ongoing maintenance, fuel expenses, and potential repairs. Electric motorcycles, despite their higher initial cost, often have lower long-term expenses. The savings on fuel, reduced maintenance, and fewer parts to replace can make electric motorcycles more cost-effective over time.

The Cruiser 12 Plus (With APP) provides a balance between initial cost and long-term savings, making it a wise investment for those looking at the bigger picture.

Safety Features

Safety is paramount when choosing a motorcycle for your child. Both types of motorcycles offer various safety features to protect young riders.

Safety in Gasoline-Powered Motorcycles

Gasoline-powered motorcycles are equipped with standard safety features such as sturdy frames, reliable braking systems, and protective gear. The higher speeds of gasoline motorcycles necessitate the use of comprehensive safety gear, including helmets, gloves, and protective clothing. Additionally, riders must be trained to handle the increased power and speed safely.

Safety in Electric Motorcycles

Electric motorcycles also come with essential safety features, but their lower speeds and smoother acceleration make them generally safer for younger or less experienced riders. Some electric models include advanced safety features like speed limiters, automatic cut-offs, and enhanced stability controls. The quiet operation of electric motorcycles also reduces the risk of startling pedestrians and other road users.

The Cruiser 12 Plus (With APP), with its customizable speed, lighting, and music, ensures a safe and enjoyable ride for kids while allowing parents to track and guide their children's rides easily.

User Experience

The overall user experience encompasses the ease of use and the fun factor associated with riding.

Ease of Use

Electric motorcycles are typically easier to use, with simple controls and no need for manual gear shifting. This makes them more accessible for younger children and beginners. Gasoline motorcycles require more skill to operate, including gear shifting and handling the engine's power, which can be challenging for novice riders.

The Cruiser 12 Plus (With APP), designed with user-friendly features like Bluetooth control and navigation, offers a seamless and enjoyable riding experience for kids.

Fun Factor

The fun factor of a motorcycle depends on the child's preferences. Gasoline motorcycles offer a more traditional and exhilarating riding experience with the roar of the engine and higher speeds. Electric motorcycles provide a smooth, quiet ride with instant torque and quick acceleration, which can be equally exciting. The choice between the two depends on what aspect of riding your child enjoys more.

The Cruiser 12 Plus (With APP) enhances the fun with features like Bluetooth music playback, RGB audio systems, and simulated fog effects, making every ride an adventure.


1. Which type of motorcycle is better for a beginner?

Electric motorcycles are generally better for beginners due to their ease of use and lower speeds.

2. Are electric motorcycles more expensive to maintain than gasoline motorcycles?

No, electric motorcycles typically have lower maintenance costs.

3. How long does it take to charge an electric motorcycle?

Charging times vary, but most take several hours to fully recharge.


In conclusion, choosing between a gasoline-powered children's motorcycle and an electric motorcycle involves weighing various factors such as performance, maintenance, environmental impact, cost, safety, and user experience. Gasoline motorcycles offer higher speeds and a traditional riding experience but require more maintenance and have a greater environmental impact. Electric motorcycles are quieter, easier to maintain, and more eco-friendly but come with a higher initial cost and limited range. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your child's age, experience level, and your family's priorities.

The Cruiser 12 Plus (With APP) stands out as a top choice for children's electric motorcycles, offering a unique combination of safety, fun, and technological innovation.

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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