Homemade Copycat Peach Fuze Tea Recipe - Easy DIY Iced Tea

A bunch of years ago, I shared my recipe for my homemade version of Lipton's lemon iced tea I grew up with. It is great and refreshing, but, to be honest, I didn't remember to make it for a long time. 

Lately, my kids have been really obsessed with Peach flavor Fuze Tea and I knew I needed to try making it on my own at home. My Soda Stream machine broke, so making homemade Sprite no longer is an option, and there's only so many times I want to make lemonade. And my sports drink is a staple, so nothing special anymore. So I had been buying drinks for my kids for certain occasions, with Peach Fuze Tea being one of them, and then I had the thought that I could probably make it myself, since it is just iced tea. 

I used my copycat Lipton's Lemon Iced Tea as a base, then switched around the teabags to find the right ratio, and here it is. My kids love it. Friends who tasted it say it tastes very much like Fuze Tea- not 100% but about 95% which, in my books, is close enough.

And did I mention it is cheap? And easy?

So what are you waiting for?

Homemade Copycat Peach Fuze Tea Recipe - Easy DIY Iced Tea

Iced Tea Concentrate Ingredients
4 bags of plain black tea
2 bags peach tea
1 1/2 cups boiling water
Iced Tea Ingredients
1/2 cup tea concentrate
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup sugar
8 cups water
Ice cubes (optional)

1. Pour boiling water over tea bags. Let sit for 5 minutes, at least, ideally longer,

2. To make the iced tea, mix the tea concentrate with the rest of the ingredients. If using a 2 liter pitcher or bottle, put in the ingredients and then fill it up the rest of the way with water and ice (that works out to be about 8 cups and saves time.)

3. Mix well until the sugar is fully dissolved.

4. Serve cold, either immediately or after refrigeration.


See, I told you it's easy. It's barely even a recipe. 

Are you a fan of iced tea? What is your favorite type of drink? Does this look like a recipe you'd try?

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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