How To Overcome An Unexpected Financial Crisis

Image courtesy of jesadaphorn at A reader, Heather, reached out to me, and mentioned how she had cancer and she went from being financially stable to in a big financial crisis, because of all the expenses involved in the treatments and being unable to work, and more. She asked me if I’d be able […]

The Forethought Edition- Festival of Frugality #280

Last minute people like myself often get caught off guard when once again, surprise expenses sneak up on them, expenses that could have been avoided, or at least reduced with just a bit of forethought. I’m Penny and I’m hosting this week’s edition of the Festival of Frugality, where the best of the frugal blogger […]

The Forethought Edition- Festival of Frugality #280

Last minute people like myself often get caught off guard when once again, surprise expenses sneak up on them, expenses that could have been avoided, or at least reduced with just a bit of forethought. I’m Penny and I’m hosting this week’s edition of the Festival of Frugality, where the best of the frugal blogger […]