My Son’s Quick and Frugal Trip to Washington, DC

I’m sorry I haven’t gotten around to posting this yet; my son was in the US for 6 weeks, got home already over 2 weeks ago, and I still haven’t written about his trip other than his first day touring there, in New York City. But I’m catching up. Since my son was in the […]
My Son’s One-Day Budget Touring in New York City

My almost 17 year old son, Lee, is on a solo trip to the US right now to work in the same summer camp that I attended as a child. It was his first time in the United States ever (not to mention his first trip abroad without me) and I decided to pack in […]
My Son’s Budget Solo Trip — London
The iconic Tower Bridge I am loving that my son, Lee, is on his first solo trip abroad at 16. As much as I love traveling myself, watching him do it vicariously makes me almost feel like I’m there too. Additionally, I can be excited for him getting to experience these things and discover my love […]
My Son’s First Solo And Budget Trip Abroad
I am a young mom. My oldest, Lee, was born when I was married a year, when I was just 19.5 years old. Born in September he’s one of the younger ones in the school year, and then he skipped a grade. Which means that when he graduated high school last month, he was just […]
17 Unexpected Things I Learned About Cyprus

Such blatant disregard for rules, you kitty… As a follow up to my previous posts about our Cyprus trip, I wanted to share some things I was surprised to discover in Cyprus. I thought I knew a decent amount about it, but when I was doing my research before my trip, and when on the […]
Frugal Family Winter Trip To Cyprus – The Itinerary – Part 2
In February, our family turned a trip to the island of Cyprus for the purpose of getting American passports for my children into an amazingly fun vacation. This is part of a series I am writing about our trip there. I’ve written part one of our itinerary out, what we did the first few days […]
Frugal Family Winter Trip To Cyprus – The Itinerary – Part 1
If this is the first post you’re seeing on the topic, I’m doing a series on our frugal winter family trip to Cyprus. In this post, I’ll be sharing with you what we did in the first part of our awesome family vacation, when we were based in Paralimni, on the eastern coast of Cyprus. […]
Our Budget Winter Family Trip to Cyprus – A Wonderful Success
I’m currently sitting above the clouds, at the top of Mount Olympus writing this post. My kids are busy playing in the snow while I sit here enjoying the cool weather. I know better than to try to walk around on slippery snow because my balance isn’t great as it is, and because of my […]
Our Long Awaited Family Vacation — To Cyprus!
My family and I are really excited. Honestly, I’m not sure who is more excited, myself or my kids. I haven’t left my country in 4 years, since I had to return home a day early on my trip to Austria in March of 2020, since all the flights afterwards were being canceled because of […]
Our Frugal Annual Desert Camping Trip
My family had a wonderful camping trip in the desert and I wanted to share about it with you. This is an event the family and I look forward to every year. This year was our largest camping trip yet. We were 4 families instead of the 2 we started with. There’s something nice about […]