The 9 Types of Toxic and Abusive Partners, According to Lundy Bancroft

As the moderator of a support group for women who are divorced, divorcing, or considering divorce, I get a lot of women reaching out to me when they’re in unhealthy marriages. They don’t know if things are bad enough to leave, if their relationship is actually abusive, etc. I remind these women that a marriage […]
No, Seriously, You Do Not Get It
Hi there readers. Recently a few things happened to me that made me want to write something about it on Facebook, but then I thought this would probably be a better place to write it, so I could reach more people because I think it is a topic that is important to talk about. People […]
My Response to an Article on Men Being Abused by Women
Warning- this post is probably very triggering for people who have been through abuse. It contains details about abuse and also talks about suicide and murder. Read at your own discretion. I was at a friend’s house this past weekend and was looking through a magazine that is popular in my circles. It had a […]
My Thoughts on Coaching, or Why You Have to be Very, Very Careful When Using a Coach
When I wrote my post on multilevel marketing scheme and why I abhor them my friend Anara messaged me afterwards and said “Ok, Penny, now when will you take on coaching?” I asked her what she meant, and she said “You wrote about the problem with MLMs, now its time to write something about the problem […]
What No One Tells You About Divorce
My parents are divorced. Both sets of my grandparents are divorced. I have quite a few divorced friends. And yet, as someone going through divorce (yes, still going through, this is taking a while…), I realized that until I went through this myself, I had no idea what it was like. There’s so many things […]
How To Kickstart Your Budget, Especially When Divorcing
Two years ago I made a big life change. I decided to divorce my husband and start a new life on my own without him. Among all the complications that were part of divorce, the thing that concerned me the most about this new chapter of life was finances. How could I possibly manage financially […]
Who’s to Blame for Abuse, and Why People Get it Wrong
This is quite a personal and emotional post, much more personal that I usually do, and I wanted to share it because its a topic that matters a lot to me, but I just wanted to warn people that if abuse is a sensitive subject for you, you might want to skip this one. I’ve […]
What is Financial Abuse? Six Women Share Their Stories
Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay As someone going through divorce, one of the scariest things was hearing how horrible it would be financially post divorce. Fortunately, there are some friends of mine who shared with me that their finances improved after divorcing, so I shared one of their stories anonymously here. Lots of people […]
When Marriage is Financially Devastating, Divorce Can be a Solution; A Case Study
So many people in marriages that are horrible end up staying in their marriage because of finances. Especially if finances are terrible together, you may be afraid that divorce will only make your situation worse. I reached out to friends to share their stories with you, if divorce improved their financial situation. I shared my […]
“I Can’t Afford to Get Divorced”; A Case Study
Many of my readers live in a bare bones budget. Some may not be making it through the month financially, and some just barely are making it through. If any of you are or were contemplating divorce, it would be a very logical conclusion that if you aren’t making it or are barely making it […]