In Which I Out Myself… And Try To Break Stigmas

 This is probably one of the scariest things I’m doing ever, and for sure the scariest post I ever wrote on this blog. But it is something I thought about doing for a while, and I discussed it with my therapist in depth to make sure I’m not making any impulsive decisions that I might […]

Tips and Tricks for Managing My ADHD Life Without Medication

I think it is quite hilarious that I’m writing this when specifically my ADHD made me stop and start and procrastinate and I didn’t get it written until now… And I also got up a few times while writing this…. But that aside…. I’ve known I had ADHD since I was a kid. Everyone in […]

My Mental Health Journey’s Story

Me cuddling with my dog on the floor, to help cheer me up, during a bad depressive episode In addition to being Ehlers Danlos Awareness Month, May is Mental Health Awareness Month, where people try to bring these stories to light to reduce stigma. So I wanted to tell you about my story. (PS for […]

A Post About Rice

Confession. I’ve been struggling somewhat to write lately.  I have a whole list of ideas that I want to write about, including many bullet points on each topic with the information I want to cover, and yet when I go to write the post, it doesn’t flow well. Or I have to pull teeth to […]

No, Seriously, You Do Not Get It

Hi there readers. Recently a few things happened to me that made me want to write something about it on Facebook, but then I thought this would probably be a better place to write it, so I could reach more people because I think it is a topic that is important to talk about. People […]

A Helpful Depression Analogy And What Can Help Ease The Pain

I have discussions a lot with people regarding mental health, depression, etc… I also am a big proponent about talking about how medication has been helpful for me and made a huge difference in my life. One of the concerns I hear from people about medication is that it will change someone’s personality and make […]

How I Overcame a Painful Trigger of Mine

I took the bus today and there was this little baby crying. Not one of those little whimpers that a bit of shushing is able to quickly calm down. Nope, it was that incessant high pitched keening that showed a baby was in a lot of distress, but despite the mother’s attempts to soothe it, […]