My Frugal Trip To Vienna, Day Six, My Day Trip to the Alps – Part 1

On my sixth day in Vienna I was able to fulfill a lifelong dream of mine, and check off something from my bucket list- I visited the Alps. I think I’ve dreamed of going to the Alps since watching the Sound of Music as a kid. Though the Alps cover many countries in Europe, they […]

My Frugal Trip to Vienna, Days 4 and 5!

One of the things I’ve had to internalize on previous trips of mine, some taken when I was dealing with the depths of my depression, was that as much as I enjoy trips, as much as I love traveling, and as excited as travel makes me, I can’t expect my trips to get rid of […]

My Frugal Trip To Vienna, Days 2 and 3!

I have been in Vienna already 3 days, and its been a great trip so far. First off, I have to say that this is my first time staying in a hostel, and I’m sad that this is only my first time, because I feel like I missed out on so many fun things I […]

My Frugal Trip to Vienna, Day 1, My First Impressions

Right after we landed in Vienna So I’ll have to keep this post short, as you’ll see why in a bit. But I didn’t want to be remiss on sharing my first impressions with you from my trip to Vienna. Number one, why it’s so short? Well, I had my flight at 11 am this […]

Heading To Vienna Soon!

In just a few more days, I am heading out on my next journey. This time, to Vienna. I was talking to people and they were saying that usually they are aware of my upcoming travel plans, but that I wasn’t talking about this trip of mine at all. I realized then that I didn’t […]