Biking, Exploring, and Cooking- My Polish Vacation, Day 2

Sorry I didn’t get this post the day it happened, about 2 week ago. I wrote most of it then but was too tired to post it, and then decided to save writing and posting about my trip until after I came home. If I had to sum up my first official day on Poland […]

Foraging Wild Edibles in Poland- With Lots of Pictures!

Having never stepped foot in Poland before, I assumed that going there, I might recognize one or two different edible plants, and maybe do a drop of foraging. I was not expecting to recognize most of the plants there, with them being things I regularly forage locally, or plants I’m familiar with even if I didn’t […]

My Poland Trip- Day One, Sorta

It is currently 3:15 am Polish time, and I’m tired. I just decided that I want to write a blog post every day of my trip (or nearly) so I’ll keep this short and head straight to bed, so I can be bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow for my bike trip through the country […]

Getting Ready for My Trip

Sorry I haven’t been so talkative lately, still trying to figure out certain things about this blog… but in addition to that, I’ve been pretty busy lately doing all sorts of stuff, including teaching various foraging and shopping classes around and more importantly, getting ready for my trip! I leave tomorrow for Lublin, Poland, and […]

Planning an Exciting and Frugal Vacation Abroad

Destination: Lublin. Photo credit Lukaszprzy I recently learned about a site called, which allows you to find cheap flights around the world. Unlike many price comparison websites where you need to put in a specific location and specific dates, SkyScanner lets you put in your departure location, and then from there on, it’s flexible. […]