Getting My First Gym Membership

I’ve been going to physical therapy for my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome nearly every week for the past five years. My therapist primarily focuses on manual physical therapy—realigning my joints, working on those that are tightly compressed, and relaxing my spasmed muscles. Over this time, I’ve seen minor improvements. There are periods when I experience fewer subluxations, […]

Getting Myself Custom Orthotics- Finally

Getting Myself Custom Orthotics- Finally  1 An analysis of where my feet put pressure when I stand. (Note the absence where my toes don’t even touch the ground? And how they aren’t matching?) My friend Bea has often told me how much her feet hurt her all the time but especially at the end […]

How Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Affects Multiple Parts of the Body- Part 2

As International Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome awareness month comes to a close I wanted to talk some more about how Ehlers Danlos Syndrome affects the body in ways you might not have expected, and specifically the way it affects mine. I posted part 1 already, and here is part 2. EDS, as I’ve explained in many […]

How Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Affects Multiple Parts of the Body- Part 1

  Alternate title: How Knowledge of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Helped Me Make Sense of My LifeI have Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome, a degenerative genetic collagen defect disorder that is degenerative. Many people who have it go undiagnosed their whole lives, and many people only after many years of trying to figure out what is wrong with […]

All About My Visit to the Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Specialist

  It has been over 3 years since I got diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (my first post about it was here, in May of 2021) and in that time, I’ve been to the number one EDS specialist in my country (I’ll call her Dr G), learned so much more about my body and how […]

New Blog Look, Theme, and More

My new page profile image on my Facebook page. So… does something look different around here? I should hope so. I changed a lot about the design of this blog, from the layout of the sidebar, to the menu options across the top, updated the about me section, fixed the subscription option that had been […]

Super Simple Homemade Sports and Rehydration Drink Recipe

Important update:I am reposting this post. Unfortunately, too late, I realized a mistake I made with my post, and I feel bad for anyone that used my recipe and didn’t get the exact benefits needed from it, because of my mistake. Reposting this with the corrections will hopefully get more people to see these needed […]