Details About My First Car — Why and How I Chose it, and How Much It Cost Me
I posted about getting my first car 2 months ago but I didn’t do any follow up posts because I first wanted to get everything right with it and I was afraid to jinx it… And now I’m worried about posting about it because I don’t want people to call me negative things such as […]
Firecracker Peanut Butter S’mores Recipe — Easy Homemade Medical Marijuana Edibles Recipe, Gluten Free Vegan Cannabis Cookies
Medical marijuana is a lifesaver for many people. I have been dealing with chronic pain with doctors basically telling me there’s nothing they could do about it; I’ve been on all the medication suggested other than opioids and they didn’t work and my situation was written up as being treatment resistant. I went to a […]
What’s Been Up With Me
If you haven’t noticed (how can you not?) I haven’t been posting a lot recently, and I wanted to explain why. First off, I’ve been dealing with a ridiculous amount of exhaustion, and sleeping took up so many of my hours. In the time that was left, I needed to take care of my kids […]
Loving My Chronically Painful Body
I’ve been dealing with a lot of pains in my body recently, something I jokingly refer to as “musical injuries” because the injuries switch places (mostly) but the pain remains. And when I ask my physical therapist what I can do about it, she says unfortunately not much, because these pains are purely a result […]
My Life with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
As I was filling out the paperwork for my disability hearing, I had a hard time answering some of the questions. “How long have you had this issue?” and it wanted me to put in a start date. Except how do I even answer that? I’ve only known that I had Ehlers Danlos Syndrome less […]
Doozy of Diagnoses for Me and How I’m Handing It
This post is hard for me to write. Because while I want to share things with you, especially those of you who’ve been following my journey, it’s also hard for me to accept these things for myself, let alone share them with others. And beyond accepting them myself, there is also accepting all that it […]