A New School… For Now
I mentioned recently that my daughter Anneliese got diagnosed with Autism. As I wrote in the other post, it was part of a process entailing my doing what I could to get her in a class that would be able to help her the most. Already a few months ago we realized that the school […]
Another Autism Diagnosis in the Family
My third kid was just diagnosed with autism on Sunday. Current count- three out of my four kids. I shared before about my stories getting my son Ike and daughter Rose diagnosed with autism, and what a ride it’s been (specifically with Rose and getting reported to CPS for getting her evaluated). So you probably […]
The Long Saga For School For My Daughter
The school situation for my daughter, Rose, has never been easy. Ok, I take that back. Finding a preschool for her was relatively straightforward, but not long after she started preschool she was diagnosed with autism, and when we tried to get her into a school for autistic kids I was told that I needed […]
How to Accept That Your Child is in the Autism Spectrum
When I found out my second son was autistic, I was in shock. Well, I was in denial before that, because I didn’t want to see it. Once I realized that yes, it was autism, it definitely took me time to accept it and come to terms with it, but fortunately, I had some wonderful […]
Diagnoses Are Wonderful- Why I’m Not Scared of Labels
Recently a close friend of mine got her youngest child diagnosed with ADHD. Not long after that, her oldest child, who already had mental health and behavioral diagnoses got diagnosed with Tourettes syndrome on top of everything else. And her middle child already had been diagnosed with ADHD. When her youngest was diagnosed, she felt […]
Telling Your Kids About their Autism- The Benefits of a Label
Having two children on the autism spectrum and befriending many parents of autistic kids, I realized that I have a very different approach to dealing with their autism than many parents do. I grew up with autism. I have quite a few family members on the spectrum. In fact, more than 50% of my immediate […]
Sneak Preview of the Kids’ Sensory Room Bedroom
I recently wrote about my plans to turn my kids’ room into a sensory heaven that would meet my daughter’s unique needs because of her autism and sensory issues. Though the room is still in progress, since not everything has arrived, I already am seeing what a tremendous difference it is making so far. Therefore, […]
Meeting My Daughter’s Needs Where She Is Through a Sensory Diet and More
Rose, getting in her sensory need to be in a confined space I love my kids to pieces, but I must admit that the child that is the hardest to parent, is my youngest child, Rose, on the autism spectrum. One of the hardest parts in parenting her is her constant energy, meltdowns, and destruction. […]
You’ve Got to be Kidding Me!
I’d love to say that nothing shocks me anymore, I’ve seen and heard so much, but I just had a meeting this morning that made me so flabbergasted I’m reeling. I’ve written before about the whole complicated and frustrating process I’ve been going through with my daughter Rose, getting her diagnosed with autism, because she […]
We Got a Trampoline!
My 5.5 year old daughter Rose is extremely delicious and cute, but also has lots of behavior issues (due in no small part to her autism). One of the things that is most difficult for me, though, is that because of her sensory issues, she’s nearly always sensory seeking, looking for ways to get sensory […]