When Budgeting Anxiety Causes You to Dissociate
I’m writing this post right now in an altered state of mind. No, I’m not high or drunk, but right now, my head feels like its wrapped in cotton wool, and my vision is blurring and I hear a ringing in my ears, and my body is shaking. And my head feels like a helium […]
How Depression Can Mimic Credit Card Debt and How to Deal Effectively
I have to say that I really like my therapist, and that she gets me and how my mind works, and therapy with her has been so helpful for me. Sometimes, though, she shares an insight with me that speaks to me so well that I feel the need to share it with others. And […]
Breaking The Stigma on Mental Health Counseling
I had planned on writing this post already a few weeks, ago, and then with the recent high profile suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, the topic seemed even more timely than before. I read this piece that said that Kate Spade’s death reminds us that we really need to destigmatize mental health issues, […]