My parents are divorced. Both sets of my grandparents are divorced. I have quite a few divorced friends. And yet, as someone going through divorce (yes, still going through, this is taking a while…), I realized that until I went through this myself, I had no idea what it was like. There’s so many things I didn’t know. So I wanted to share with you my thoughts on “what no one told you about divorce”.
It takes time. Yea, that. I really had no idea how long the process could take. Fine, got that one out of the way.
People overstep. You have people who pretend to be all nice and invite you to dinner, but their real goal is so stage an intervention and try to get you back with your spouse. Because there was this couple that was going to get divorced, and then they decided not to, and now they’re happy 30 years later, and that’s why you should get back. And then of course they pry and ask why you think you shouldn’t, making you feel like you have to justify your decisions, and feel like you need to explain things to them that are, quite frankly, none of their business, only to have them tell you that even in such a case, you still should stay married, they know people that did and are happy with that decision.
Your entire social life is likely to undergo an upheaval. This isn’t a guarantee, but an inevitability in many ways, for many reasons. Some people start backing off from you- some people think divorce is “contagious”, but it isn’t really. However, when people divorce it often does get you to start looking at your relationships and wonder if they are healthy, and for some people that introspection isn’t comfortable, and instead of wondering why, they tend to push you away. And you might push others away, conciously or subconciously, because of their attitudes regarding divorce. Maybe they think divorce is never the right answer. Maybe they think abuse is the fault of the victim. I learned so many people’s unhealthy views towards relationships once mine ended, and decided those aren’t the people I want to surround myself with so I backed off. And for some people, you’re just in a different stage of life and have less to talk about with them, so things cool off.
But along with those relationships that end, you also end up making new friends and getting closer with other people. There were some people in my neighborhood that I barely knew, but as they were divorced moms themselves, they reached out to me to offer me support. I made many friends through support groups for other single moms and divorcees and people going through divorce, people that understand what my life is like, what my current struggles are, what I went through, and that blood, sweat, and tears can really bring you close in a way no one can.
More than anything else, divorce showed me who my true friends are. It showed me who the blessings are in my life. It helped me discover new family that I cherish.
But no. Until you go through divorce, you have absolutely no idea what it will be like. What toll it would take on your psyche. What toll it would take on your religious observance and beliefs. How it would change your views on certain things. It didn’t matter that I was told these things would happen to me, it didn’t matter that I knew many people who were divorced before me. Until you are actually living it, until you are actually going through it, you have no idea what affect it will have on you as a person. Zero idea. I’ll be honest, what I thought would be and what actually is is almost diametrically opposed to each other. I was clueless. And not from lack of knowledge. This is the type of thing that until you actually live it, until you actually go through it, you have no clue. Period.
I thought I knew it all about divorce, being a child and grandchild of divorce. But no. I didn’t. Not everything I learned was easy. Some was painful. But some was beautiful. And I choose to focus on the beautiful. What inspired me to write this post actually was a friend whose husband works in the supermarket where I get my deliveries from. And with my last delivery, since she knew I was in quarantine, she made sure her husband sent home a nice bar of chocolate with a loving note, just to cheer me up.
And when that happened, all that kept on going through my head was “What no one tells you about divorce is how many amazing angels you will discover. How many amazing kind loving people.”
Yes, not everything about divorce is roses and sparkles.
But I’ll try to stick to what Mr Roger’s said, about when there are difficult things. “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” And I really have. And I’m so grateful for them.
What can I do?
What can I do?
I am divorced. And I told my kids (16 and 18 at the time) exactly why their father was leaving: because he was having an affair. It's no longer my job to lie for my ex, and I despise family lies. The other thing no one ever tells you about divorce is it can happen to you even if you thought you were happily married.
I am divorced. And I told my kids (16 and 18 at the time) exactly why their father was leaving: because he was having an affair. It's no longer my job to lie for my ex, and I despise family lies. The other thing no one ever tells you about divorce is it can happen to you even if you thought you were happily married.
I am also divorced. I'm the first in my family to get divorced, so that's another layer of special. But…after 20 years of a dysfunctional marriage, avoiding the reality that someday I would have to get divorced in order to clean up this mess, what was and is amazing is that I am FREE! That's worth any amount of everything else that happened that sucked. The freedom from that person is absolutely, 100% awesome and amazing.
Thanks for sharing this. I completely agree that, until you do it, you have no idea what it's going to be like.
I am also divorced. I'm the first in my family to get divorced, so that's another layer of special. But…after 20 years of a dysfunctional marriage, avoiding the reality that someday I would have to get divorced in order to clean up this mess, what was and is amazing is that I am FREE! That's worth any amount of everything else that happened that sucked. The freedom from that person is absolutely, 100% awesome and amazing.
Thanks for sharing this. I completely agree that, until you do it, you have no idea what it's going to be like.
My parents are also divorced. But when “I” was through divorce…I realized that it was another universe. Hugs. I really understand what you mean & thanks for this post.
My parents are also divorced. But when “I” was through divorce…I realized that it was another universe. Hugs. I really understand what you mean & thanks for this post.
I am divorced after 23 years. No kids, thankfully. I have the luxury of not seeing my ex at all. It was the best decision I could have made. 150lbs lost-I feel better that I ever have. I feel free. It’s been 6 years and I wished I’d done it a lot sooner
I am divorced after 23 years. No kids, thankfully. I have the luxury of not seeing my ex at all. It was the best decision I could have made. 150lbs lost-I feel better that I ever have. I feel free. It’s been 6 years and I wished I’d done it a lot sooner
16 years married and now I'm divorced as of February 2020. It wasn't planned and I had to leave for my own safety. The life I knew starting from 17 was gone in the blink of an eye.
I was told I'd lose relatives and yes, I did. I found more inner strength than I knew I had (thank to G-d) and all. Therapy, therapy, THERAPY! Can't stress that enough.
You will mourn. You will mourn what you had, what could of been, and it'll be awhile before acceptance comes. The grieving process is normal with a big life change.
16 years married and now I'm divorced as of February 2020. It wasn't planned and I had to leave for my own safety. The life I knew starting from 17 was gone in the blink of an eye.
I was told I'd lose relatives and yes, I did. I found more inner strength than I knew I had (thank to G-d) and all. Therapy, therapy, THERAPY! Can't stress that enough.
You will mourn. You will mourn what you had, what could of been, and it'll be awhile before acceptance comes. The grieving process is normal with a big life change.