The Last Day of My Much Needed Getaway

I desperately needed a vacation, after having been burnt out, but as my luck would have it, I ended up testing positive for corona on my first day there, so needed to spend my vacation in quarantine. To be honest, I didn’t mind too much that I was in quarantine since my intention really was […]

Unfortunately Needing to Cancel My Trip

I am bummed out. ๐Ÿ™ My trip to Venice which I was really excited about, unfortunately no longer will be happening.  Since I went to Vienna last March right before Covid got out of control I haven’t left the country. (In fact, I came home a day early because all the flights I could find […]

My Upcoming Trip to Venice!

Recently, one of my kids, I forget who, asked me “If you could have any job in the world, and it didn’t matter what degrees you had, and you didn’t have to worry about money or any technical things, what job would you want?” It didn’t take long for me to answer “Travel Blogger”. And […]

Our Semi Frugal Summer Vacation- Camping During a Meteor Shower!

The last two years my kids and I camped together on the beach for a few days, and it was great. But my kids requested that this year we go camping in a place with water and trees, and not on a beach. So I told them I’d try to find a place.  Then about […]

My Frugal Trip To Vienna, Day Six, My Day Trip to the Alps – Part 1

On my sixth day in Vienna I was able to fulfill a lifelong dream of mine, and check off something from my bucket list- I visited the Alps. I think I’ve dreamed of going to the Alps since watching the Sound of Music as a kid. Though the Alps cover many countries in Europe, they […]

My Frugal Trip to Vienna, Days 4 and 5!

One of the things I’ve had to internalize on previous trips of mine, some taken when I was dealing with the depths of my depression, was that as much as I enjoy trips, as much as I love traveling, and as excited as travel makes me, I can’t expect my trips to get rid of […]

My Frugal Trip To Vienna, Days 2 and 3!

I have been in Vienna already 3 days, and its been a great trip so far. First off, I have to say that this is my first time staying in a hostel, and I’m sad that this is only my first time, because I feel like I missed out on so many fun things I […]

My Frugal Trip to Vienna, Day 1, My First Impressions

Right after we landed in Vienna So I’ll have to keep this post short, as you’ll see why in a bit. But I didn’t want to be remiss on sharing my first impressions with you from my trip to Vienna. Number one, why it’s so short? Well, I had my flight at 11 am this […]

Making Myself a Travel First Aid and Health Kit

Every time I travel, I find I get more and more experienced, and learn from my mistakes and am able to improve things over last time. One thing I’ve especially learned is having to do with taking care of my health while I’m traveling, getting better and better each time. The first time I traveled […]