Teaching Kids To Cook
My kids love cooking with me. They definitely enjoy it more than I enjoy them cooking with me, but I have them cook with me because despite the mess and the extra time, it teaches kids great skills, and I want my children to love and have the knowledge of cooking. Here’s some tips from […]
How To Overcome An Unexpected Financial Crisis
Image courtesy of jesadaphorn at FreeDigitalPhotos.net A reader, Heather, reached out to me, and mentioned how she had cancer and she went from being financially stable to in a big financial crisis, because of all the expenses involved in the treatments and being unable to work, and more. She asked me if I’d be able […]
Frugal Attitudes
In my culture there is a saying regarding self improvement. It claims that to change even one personality trait is a lifelong task. Even so, I present you with a list of attitudes and traits that definitely help you in living a frugal life. If these aren’t ones that you currently possess, it does behoove you to […]
Frugal Attitudes
In my culture there is a saying regarding self improvement. It claims that to change even one personality trait is a lifelong task. Even so, I present you with a list of attitudes and traits that definitely help you in living a frugal life. If these aren’t ones that you currently possess, it does behoove you to […]
Perfect Homemade Italian Dressing
Don’t buy this stuff. My pics are MIA. Welcome to PennilessParenting.com, the site where I teach you to live well on a minimum budget. A big part of that is I teach you to make everything you use yourself, for much cheaper than the store bought variety, and much healthier too. I can teach you […]
Perfect Homemade Italian Dressing
Don’t buy this stuff. My pics are MIA. Welcome to PennilessParenting.com, the site where I teach you to live well on a minimum budget. A big part of that is I teach you to make everything you use yourself, for much cheaper than the store bought variety, and much healthier too. I can teach you […]
Gifts from my Mother
Happy Mother’s Day! This post is dedicated you all you hardworking selfless women, who strive to be the best moms they can be, to those nose wipers, diaper changers, short order cooks, role models, running short on sleep for years at a time- especially my Mom. In honor of Mother’s Day, I’d like to share […]
Gifts from my Mother
Happy Mother’s Day! This post is dedicated you all you hardworking selfless women, who strive to be the best moms they can be, to those nose wipers, diaper changers, short order cooks, role models, running short on sleep for years at a time- especially my Mom. In honor of Mother’s Day, I’d like to share […]
Cut the Garbage- Eliminating Waste and Getting the Most Out of What You Have
As a family of four, we fill two full sized garbage cans each week. We keep two garbage cans in the kitchen and only need to empty them once per week, during our thorough weekly cleaning. Some families I know need to take out their full bin once a day at least, giving them the […]
Cut the Garbage- Eliminating Waste and Getting the Most Out of What You Have
As a family of four, we fill two full sized garbage cans each week. We keep two garbage cans in the kitchen and only need to empty them once per week, during our thorough weekly cleaning. Some families I know need to take out their full bin once a day at least, giving them the […]