What Are Traditional Foods for St. Patrick’s Day?

I love exploring foods from different cultures around the world (look no further than my recipe section here), and with St. Patrick’s Day coming up, what better time to discuss these traditional Irish recipes? Unfortunately, throughout Irish history—both in Ireland and after immigrating to the U.S.—the Irish faced many hardships that led to financial struggles. […]

6 Ways To Elevate The Taste Of Your Food

I’m a foodie. I like food. I like good food. I would consider myself a pretty decent cook. And there are some things I do to make my food taste great. I use most of the ideas listed below- look no further than my recent batter fried fish and bananas recipe for my experimentation or […]

What Should You Look For in a Family Home?

When trying to find the perfect home, you need to look out for specific things if you will be raising a family, often different than if you are just living on your own or as a couple. Here are some things you’ll want to keep in mind while doing your search. Buying a family home […]

You Don’t Need Medication to Sleep

I have anxiety that sometimes gets in the way of my sleeping. For this reason, I try to do things to make falling asleep more easy for me. One of those things is to have a bed time routine, things that my mind associates with sleeping. I have this certain meditative music soundtrack that I […]

The Forethought Edition- Festival of Frugality #280

Last minute people like myself often get caught off guard when once again, surprise expenses sneak up on them, expenses that could have been avoided, or at least reduced with just a bit of forethought. I’m Penny and I’m hosting this week’s edition of the Festival of Frugality, where the best of the frugal blogger […]

The Forethought Edition- Festival of Frugality #280

Last minute people like myself often get caught off guard when once again, surprise expenses sneak up on them, expenses that could have been avoided, or at least reduced with just a bit of forethought. I’m Penny and I’m hosting this week’s edition of the Festival of Frugality, where the best of the frugal blogger […]