10 Tips for Dealing with Language Barriers When Traveling

In front of the Kyrenia Gate, in Nicosia, North Cyprus Traveling the world is one of the things I enjoy most. I’m so glad I’ve been able to visit 10 different countries in the last 8 years, 4 of them with my children. As a native English speaker, I am kind of spoiled in having […]

How Can Tutors Help a Child Struggling with Traditional Teaching Methods

Let’s face it. Schools aren’t generally built to cater to different learning styles- it is hard to tailor your education method to each child when there’s a class of 20 or more children. Teachers do their best, but sometimes your child still will struggle and need extra help. If you as a parent are able […]

Choosing The Best Before & After School Care For Your Child

As parents, we want the best for our kids, the safest and most nourishing environments, but its hard to know how to pick the best caregivers for them. In addition to care during the school day, sometimes parents need longer hours, especially when the hours of the school day don’t align with their work schedule. […]

Having Children in Medical School: The Benefits and Challenges

Going to college when you have kids is much harder than going when you don’t, no question about it. Medical school is even harder than the average college, so you can imagine having children in medical school sure isn’t an easy thing, and many people would advise against it. Here are some pros and cons, […]

Open a 529 Plan for College Savings Month

Where has time gone? My kids were just toddlers and now I have a high school graduate! Soon enough he’ll be going to college. Fortunately, locally, college isn’t nearly as expensive as it is in the US, where people often graduate college with so much debt that follows them around for their entire adult life. […]

The Transformative Role of Fieldwork in Enhancing Social Work Education

While I don’t have a degree, one of the professions I strongly considered learning was to be a therapist. At the time I thought all therapists needed to be psychologists and when I heard the education for that was 10 years that turned me off that entirely. But I’ve been to clinical social workers for […]

Montessori Toys for 2-Year-Olds: Fostering Development and Fun

Everyone these days seem to have smart phones. Even little kids these days wwant to copy their parents and have their own phones to watch things on, but even if not those exactly, they often have toys with flashing lights and loud noises. But before these battery operated toys were around, people played with more […]