Our Frugal Georgia Trip, Day 2: Batumi, Las Vegas of the Black Sea

On the second day of our Georgia trip, in Batumi, not surprisingly, we had a pretty late start. We only got up at 10:30 and had to get to the tour we signed up for by 11:45; we were supposed to get there ten minutes early, we had a 5 minute walk to our car, […]

Our Frugal Trip To Georgia, Day One: Vani Sulfur Hot Springs and Batumi

Hello there from Georgia! As I wrote in my post yesterday, today we left on a 6:45 am flight (meaning we woke up at 3:30 after only getting to sleep at midnight after a late arrival to Cyprus) from Larnaca to Kutaisi, Georgia. It was a 2 hour flight and, fortunately, I managed to sleep […]

Common Mistakes To Avoid While Selecting The Best Istanbul Travel Agency

Istanbul, a vibrant city where East meets West, is not only rich in historic landmarks, bustling markets, and breathtaking landscapes but also an affordable destination for travelers. With my children’s great-grandparents originally from Turkey, I’d love to take them there someday to connect with their roots and explore the culture firsthand. These tips for choosing […]