Why Picnics Are the Perfect Budget-Friendly Way to Celebrate Spring

Do you love the spring? Who doesn’t? It is so beautiful. And it is warm enough to spend time outside, but not too warm that it is uncomfortable. Spring is the perfect time to hit up your favorite parks, and bring a picnic lunch with you. If you’re not sure where to picnic, here are […]
Our Frugal Georgia Trip, Day 2: Batumi, Las Vegas of the Black Sea

On the second day of our Georgia trip, in Batumi, not surprisingly, we had a pretty late start. We only got up at 10:30 and had to get to the tour we signed up for by 11:45; we were supposed to get there ten minutes early, we had a 5 minute walk to our car, […]
DIY Cryptic Spren Costume from Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive

Happy Almost Halloween! My favorite author is Brandon Sanderson, and he writes so many amazing books, with the majority of his series taking place in his Cosmere universe, with crossovers between different series. They’re just fun books to read and reread, because then you notice crossovers that you might not have noticed before. In one […]
How to Save Big on Shore Excursions During Your Cruise

Just picture it. You save up money to take a cruise for that special occasion of yours, maybe a big birthday or other milestone, and you book the cruise… and then you realize that you didn’t factor in the price of shore excursions. Cruises aren’t just boat rides; you want to do things at the […]
My Son’s Frugal NYC Touring- Days 2 and 3

Traveling! I can’t wait to do it since life is currently too complicated for that, but in the meantime, I am having fun writing up about and sharing information about my 17 year old son, Lee’s, frugal trip to the US and England this past summer. I already posted about what my son did on […]
Upgrading My Community’s Little Free Library

In May, after years of going to a nearby city to get new books to read and to drop off books I read, carrying them by hand, in backpacks and wagons by bus, before I had a car, I decided to put together a little free library for my community. It has been great to watch […]
My Son’s Quick and Frugal Trip to Washington, DC

I’m sorry I haven’t gotten around to posting this yet; my son was in the US for 6 weeks, got home already over 2 weeks ago, and I still haven’t written about his trip other than his first day touring there, in New York City. But I’m catching up. Since my son was in the […]
Affordable Ways to Keep Kids Active: Soccer on a Budget

Are you a fan of soccer? Or… as most of the world calls it- football? It is a very popular sport for good reason, and one of the benefits of it is that it can be played without expensive equipment. Read more about how soccer can be a great way to keep kids active without […]