How Teaching Kids Programming Can Help Break the Poverty Cycle: A Personal Story

When I got married at 18, without any way to support myself, and my then-husband, at 20, had no real means to provide for a family, we were setting ourselves up for failure. My son recently asked what we were thinking—how we planned to support ourselves—and honestly, we weren’t thinking about it. Ridiculous, I know. […]

Innovative Ideas for Building a Family-Friendly Greenhouse

Growing plants and gardening are great for everyone, especially children. There’s a reason many schools include therapeutic gardening in their curriculum—there’s nothing quite like getting your hands dirty and growing your own food. Unfortunately, I’m not great at growing things (I’ve written about my many — mostly failed– attempts over the years to grow things) […]

Supporting Parents Through Mental Health Challenges in the Family

Parenting is not for the faint of heart. While there are many obstacles that parents face when raising kids, health issues likely rank high among them. And within health issues, dealing with kids’ mental health challenges presents its own unique set of difficulties. Mental illness can stem from a variety of factors. In some cases, […]

Baby Monitor That Will Save You A Lot Of Money And Hassle

I remember the first baby monitors I saw- we had some in my childhood home so my parents could hear my little brother or sister when they were napping in their room. As a parent, I didn’t use baby monitors, because my kids co-slept with me, and we lived in a very small house where […]

Balancing Style and Comfort: The Ultimate Guide to Kids’ Fashion and Swimwear

We think of kids sometimes as little adults, and some people even like to dress their children as little adults. But kids have their own special needs, and clothing that works for adults often doesn’t work for kids. Especially because young children change sizes so quickly and you need to get them new clothing so […]

Is my child taking drugs? What to look out for

As a parent of 3 teenagers (how on earth do I have 3 teenagers already???) the worry about them going down the wrong path and falling in with a bad crowd is obviously on my mind, as it is with parents of most teenagers. Often, this bad crowd is one that drinks and does drugs, […]

The Link Between Children’s Oral Care And Overall Health

Teeth and cavities have been on my mind as a parent for a long time already- my first post here on the topic was all the way back in 2012. Fortunately, my other children didn’t have as many cavities as my first child did, and the adult teeth in my children (who have them) are […]

4 Indoor Gardening Projects for Tenants with Children

I remember how much I desperately wanted to be able to grow things when we were living in our old tiny apartment. I tried growing things and wasn’t so successful with most of them, unfortunately. But it wasn’t about the apartment gardening, it was that I’m just not the best with plants, because even in […]