Supporting Parents Through Mental Health Challenges in the Family

Parenting is not for the faint of heart. While there are many obstacles that parents face when raising kids, health issues likely rank high among them. And within health issues, dealing with kids’ mental health challenges presents its own unique set of difficulties. Mental illness can stem from a variety of factors. In some cases, […]
A Justified Whiney Post about EDS

I chose the saddest looking zebra I could find, because zebras are the symbol of EDS and its how I feel now. Today I’m feeling miserable and in pain and in need of a serious vent, and hey, I have a platform that I can use, and I use it to educate about my life […]
Will AI Replace Psychologists? Exploring the Future of Therapy and Human Connection

AI. Love it or hate it, it’s here to stay. I’m one of those people who uses AI regularly, ChatGPT is constantly open on my screen. I use it for this blog, to help me format stuff and to avoid busy work so I can focus on things that actually matter to me. Some people […]
The Future of Mental Healthcare: How Strategic Planning Can Drive Change

Once upon a time, therapy used to be seen as this taboo, hush hush thing that we can’t talk about, because it says there’s something seriously wrong with you. Fortunately the attitude towards therapy has changed, and it no longer is embarassing to refer to your therapist, or talk about going to therapy. It is […]
Balancing Motherhood and Personal Wellness

One of the most challenging things for me as a mom, for the first while at least, was taking care of myself. I wanted my kids to have such a good childhood, unlike what I went through, that I put all my needs aside and just did everything for the sake of my kids, even […]
Why Dealing With Autism and Separation Anxiety Needs a Personalized Approach
Separation anxiety is really rough, both on the kids and on the parents. My kids dealt with horrible separation anxiety, I even wrote about it back when my now 15 year old was a baby. It was really tough for everyone. When I needed to start doing some cleaning work to help make ends meet […]
From Chaos to Calm: Strategies for Relaxing After the Holidays

After the overwhelm of the holidays, you might still feel like you haven’t fully gotten back on your feet. (I know I still haven’t.) Returning not just to real life, but getting that mental equilibrium can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you relax and calm your mind after the business and the […]
How to Stand Strong When Caring for Children and Parents Simultaneously

People my age are starting to be part of the sandwich generation, with parents that are elderly and need tending to, while also taking care of younger children. It still is a shock to me to realize my parents are actually getting old, and they’re not nearly as old as many of my peers’ parents. […]
Stress-Free Parenting on a Budget: Affordable Ways to Reclaim Your Calm

Parenting is not for the faint at heart. So many stressors. So many things that can go wrong. But to parent well, we do need to maintain our calm, somehow. I use therapy for that and it helps a lot. But it’s quite expensive. But there are plenty of other ways I also try to […]
What are the Mental Health Implications of Urinary Incontinence

Ever joke about laughing so hard you could pee yourself? For many people this is no joke. Especially after pregnancy and giving birth, many women experience urinary incontinence with varying degrees of severity. As you get older, this also can start happening. Many women seek pelvic floor physical therapy and it can be a lifesaver. […]