How Teaching Kids Programming Can Help Break the Poverty Cycle: A Personal Story

When I got married at 18, without any way to support myself, and my then-husband, at 20, had no real means to provide for a family, we were setting ourselves up for failure. My son recently asked what we were thinking—how we planned to support ourselves—and honestly, we weren’t thinking about it. Ridiculous, I know. […]

Supporting Parents Through Mental Health Challenges in the Family

Parenting is not for the faint of heart. While there are many obstacles that parents face when raising kids, health issues likely rank high among them. And within health issues, dealing with kids’ mental health challenges presents its own unique set of difficulties. Mental illness can stem from a variety of factors. In some cases, […]

Is my child taking drugs? What to look out for

As a parent of 3 teenagers (how on earth do I have 3 teenagers already???) the worry about them going down the wrong path and falling in with a bad crowd is obviously on my mind, as it is with parents of most teenagers. Often, this bad crowd is one that drinks and does drugs, […]

Hello From Cyprus — For The Moment

When my oldest son was almost 11, I went on a trip with him to Craiova, Romania, his first time ever leaving our country, his first time ever on a plane. My other kids wanted to go on trips with me as well, and I told my kids that the summer before they turned 11 […]

Social Media and Online Solicitation of Minors: How to Keep Kids Safe

Social media and kids, oh boy is that a loaded topic. Some people say absolutely not, not until they are much older. Some give from a young age. Some only give with very strict supervision. Every parent does what they consider best based on what they know after talking to professionals. But it is a […]

When is the Right Time to Talk to Your Child About Alcohol?

Though it isn’t legal to sell it to them, teenagers often find a way to get alcohol, and teenaged drinking is a big problem. Far too many teenagers are getting drunk and getting into dangerous situations because of that. Is it inevitable? No. There are things you can do as parents to make it less […]

My Son’s Quick and Frugal Trip to Washington, DC

I’m sorry I haven’t gotten around to posting this yet; my son was in the US for 6 weeks, got home already over 2 weeks ago, and I still haven’t written about his trip other than his first day touring there, in New York City. But I’m catching up. Since my son was in the […]

Boosting Confidence for Modern Men

As the parent of two young men, it’s important for me that I raise them as confident men who believe in themselves and their capabilities. But this can be easier said than done. If you’d like some ideas on how you can help your sons with that, read on. Confidence isn’t just a buzzword, it’s […]