Sneaky but Smart: Easy Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat More Veggies

Know that saying of “I used to be the perfect parent, before I had kids?” Well, that applied to me not only before I had kids, but all those things I thought I knew everything about when I was a newer parent with fewer and younger kids… as my kids grew up and as I […]

The Link Between Children’s Oral Care And Overall Health

Teeth and cavities have been on my mind as a parent for a long time already- my first post here on the topic was all the way back in 2012. Fortunately, my other children didn’t have as many cavities as my first child did, and the adult teeth in my children (who have them) are […]

Montessori Toys for 2-Year-Olds: Fostering Development and Fun

Everyone these days seem to have smart phones. Even little kids these days wwant to copy their parents and have their own phones to watch things on, but even if not those exactly, they often have toys with flashing lights and loud noises. But before these battery operated toys were around, people played with more […]