Homemade Sesame Milk
Today I discovered a way to make a non dairy milk substitute, that unlike most milk substitutes, is insanely easy to make, contains more calcium than regular milk, is a good source of protein, and works out to be cheaper than regular milk, at least based on the prices where where I live. Sesame milk! […]
Homemade Sesame Milk
Today I discovered a way to make a non dairy milk substitute, that unlike most milk substitutes, is insanely easy to make, contains more calcium than regular milk, is a good source of protein, and works out to be cheaper than regular milk, at least based on the prices where where I live. Sesame milk! […]
Fiscal Year in Review
Wow, can’t believe it is almost 2011! Time really flies! Didn’t it feel like it was just yesterday that everyone was preparing for Y2K, worried about the imminent destruction of the world which relied on computers that would go bonkers when they thought it was 1900 again. Yea, much ado about nothing. I remember lying […]
Fiscal Year in Review
Wow, can’t believe it is almost 2011! Time really flies! Didn’t it feel like it was just yesterday that everyone was preparing for Y2K, worried about the imminent destruction of the world which relied on computers that would go bonkers when they thought it was 1900 again. Yea, much ado about nothing. I remember lying […]
Massive Shopping Trip
Today’s shopping trip encompassed a lot of firsts. It was the first time in 4 weeks I went shopping (no, not even little runs to corner store for milk or produce). It was the first time in a really long time that I spent this much money in one go. It was the first time […]
Massive Shopping Trip
Today’s shopping trip encompassed a lot of firsts. It was the first time in 4 weeks I went shopping (no, not even little runs to corner store for milk or produce). It was the first time in a really long time that I spent this much money in one go. It was the first time […]
Keeping Heating Costs Down in Your Apartment
New York, Christmas Weekend, 2010 I was all psyched up to write a post about some foraging we did today, but after hearing about all my friends who are currently snowed in by a huge blizzard on the east coast of the US, I decided to spare you another foraging post and instead write about […]
Keeping Heating Costs Down in Your Apartment
New York, Christmas Weekend, 2010 I was all psyched up to write a post about some foraging we did today, but after hearing about all my friends who are currently snowed in by a huge blizzard on the east coast of the US, I decided to spare you another foraging post and instead write about […]
Gifting- On a Budget
With Christmas just 2 days away, the entire bloggosphere is buzzing about the upcoming holiday. What they’re doing, where they’re going, what they’re eating… but most importantly of all- gifting. Christmas gifting is one of the biggest causers of consumer debt out there. People want to make sure that Christmas is as magical as possible […]
Gifting- On a Budget
With Christmas just 2 days away, the entire bloggosphere is buzzing about the upcoming holiday. What they’re doing, where they’re going, what they’re eating… but most importantly of all- gifting. Christmas gifting is one of the biggest causers of consumer debt out there. People want to make sure that Christmas is as magical as possible […]