Dishwashing for Dummies

Living in a country that has been drought stricken nearly since its inception, you learn to not waste what until then you had thought was free. Water. Fresh water is a valuable resource, one that is all too scarce in the world today. Until I moved here, I always assumed that water was free and […]

Dishwashing for Dummies

Living in a country that has been drought stricken nearly since its inception, you learn to not waste what until then you had thought was free. Water. Fresh water is a valuable resource, one that is all too scarce in the world today. Until I moved here, I always assumed that water was free and […]

The Neighbor Exchange

Don’t you sometimes wish you could exchange a crotchety neighbor with a friend who has awesome neighbors? It would be nice… But that’s not what this post is about. I live in an apartment building. It has its perks and its drawbacks. Sometimes I love apartment living and sometimes I hate it. One thing that […]

The Neighbor Exchange

Don’t you sometimes wish you could exchange a crotchety neighbor with a friend who has awesome neighbors? It would be nice… But that’s not what this post is about. I live in an apartment building. It has its perks and its drawbacks. Sometimes I love apartment living and sometimes I hate it. One thing that […]

My recommendation for cloth diapering

For those who read my previous posts on cloth diapers and were starting to get convinced, but had no idea which one to chose… I’ve been in that position. I wish, when I started, that someone would have told me what I’m telling you now. If you’re starting off cloth diapering and want to know […]

My recommendation for cloth diapering

For those who read my previous posts on cloth diapers and were starting to get convinced, but had no idea which one to chose… I’ve been in that position. I wish, when I started, that someone would have told me what I’m telling you now. If you’re starting off cloth diapering and want to know […]

Homemade whole wheat noodles- a real bargain!

I made whole wheat noodles today. Whole wheat flour is quite expensive by me. Because of that, I don’t use it on a regular basis, as it is twice the price of white flour. (I am looking into buying it in bulk because I can get it cheaper that way.) Sometimes, however, it pays to […]

Homemade whole wheat noodles- a real bargain!

I made whole wheat noodles today. Whole wheat flour is quite expensive by me. Because of that, I don’t use it on a regular basis, as it is twice the price of white flour. (I am looking into buying it in bulk because I can get it cheaper that way.) Sometimes, however, it pays to […]

Staying Fit Without a Gym

I’m not a member of a gym. Although many find gyms to be a good way to stay in shape and lose weight, I find them an impractical and expensive suggestion. Gym membership usually costs a sizable amount of money. In addition to that, you have to pay for transportation there and back. Plus a […]

Staying Fit Without a Gym

I’m not a member of a gym. Although many find gyms to be a good way to stay in shape and lose weight, I find them an impractical and expensive suggestion. Gym membership usually costs a sizable amount of money. In addition to that, you have to pay for transportation there and back. Plus a […]