
Happy Halloween, for those of you celebrating! Enjoy yourselves… And a little flashback for those new to the site- Here’s 2 costumes I made for my kids: A Big Bird costume and a Cookie Monster costume. Dressing up is lots of fun for kids, but no need to break the bank to buy expensive costumes. With […]

Mashed Potatoes and Turkey Neck Gravy

Mmmm yum! Doesn’t that just make your mouth water? I served my family the most scrumptious meal today that I couldn’t pass up the chance of sharing this frugal meal with you readers! It’s based on items bought for really cheap, as turkey necks are very cheap around here, as are potatoes and onions. The […]

Mashed Potatoes and Turkey Neck Gravy

Mmmm yum! Doesn’t that just make your mouth water? I served my family the most scrumptious meal today that I couldn’t pass up the chance of sharing this frugal meal with you readers! It’s based on items bought for really cheap, as turkey necks are very cheap around here, as are potatoes and onions. The […]

Prices- Not Always What They Seem

As a bargain shopper, I’m always looking to find the best deals for differnet foods. When I find food at a very low price, I get so excited I can do a little dance. Ok, just in my head. But… is the lowest priced food always the best deal? Sure, when you have a 1 […]

Prices- Not Always What They Seem

As a bargain shopper, I’m always looking to find the best deals for differnet foods. When I find food at a very low price, I get so excited I can do a little dance. Ok, just in my head. But… is the lowest priced food always the best deal? Sure, when you have a 1 […]

Kombucha 101

My kombucha brewery. Different batches at various stages. Wouldn’t it be terrific if there was a way to make drinks that were fizzy, sweet, chemical free, and best of all, healthy? Soda drinkers of the world, take note- you can have your cake and eat it too! Kombucha is a lacto-fermented drink that has been […]

Kombucha 101

My kombucha brewery. Different batches at various stages. Wouldn’t it be terrific if there was a way to make drinks that were fizzy, sweet, chemical free, and best of all, healthy? Soda drinkers of the world, take note- you can have your cake and eat it too! Kombucha is a lacto-fermented drink that has been […]

Frugal Fast Food Meals

I’ve been incredibly busy and stressed out lately with absolutely zero energy. No exaggeration there. Though I usually love cooking, lately just the thought of preparing food for my family is just another chore with which I don’t want to be bothered. (Is it any surprise that I feel the need to quit one of […]

Frugal Fast Food Meals

I’ve been incredibly busy and stressed out lately with absolutely zero energy. No exaggeration there. Though I usually love cooking, lately just the thought of preparing food for my family is just another chore with which I don’t want to be bothered. (Is it any surprise that I feel the need to quit one of […]

Lost Post about Work

Technology is a fickle thing. I  had a post all typed on my palm pilot about how I am so overwhelmed with life lately because I bit off more than I could chew just to make some extra money, and while it is making me a sizable sum of money, it’s leaving me run down, […]