Happy Mother’s Day!

To all you moms out there, I just wanted to wish you a happy Mother’s Day! You moms rock, carry kids in your belly for nine months, feed your babies whenever they’re hungry, even if it’s inconvenient for you, have many sleepless nights, and love your kids to pieces, and teach them to be the adults […]

Happy Mother’s Day!

To all you moms out there, I just wanted to wish you a happy Mother’s Day! You moms rock, carry kids in your belly for nine months, feed your babies whenever they’re hungry, even if it’s inconvenient for you, have many sleepless nights, and love your kids to pieces, and teach them to be the adults […]

Lacto-Fermented Turnips- Salt Pickled Turnips

If you’re like me, you’ve probably seen turnips on sale at the grocery store, and have had little idea what to do with them that didn’t involve soup or turnip mash. You might have wondered what else you could possibly do with turnips, ideally one that is healthy and easy to make, and tastes good […]

Lacto-Fermented Turnips- Salt Pickled Turnips

If you’re like me, you’ve probably seen turnips on sale at the grocery store, and have had little idea what to do with them that didn’t involve soup or turnip mash. You might have wondered what else you could possibly do with turnips, ideally one that is healthy and easy to make, and tastes good […]

Making Money Blogging- Some Tips

People often talk about how “just being frugal isn’t enough”, because the amount of money you can save can never be more than you’re actually earning. While I agree with that in theory, I think many people throw frugality out the window when they try earning more money, and end up being in a worse […]

Making Money Blogging- Some Tips

People often talk about how “just being frugal isn’t enough”, because the amount of money you can save can never be more than you’re actually earning. While I agree with that in theory, I think many people throw frugality out the window when they try earning more money, and end up being in a worse […]

Thinking About Summer Heat

Image credit: tungphoto / FreeDigitalPhotos.net May is here, and where I live, May means summer. We’ve already gotten a taste of summer these past few weeks, with short sleeve days interspersed with freezing cold days, but I know that very soon the seasons will turn and summer will be here full force. My foraging has […]

Thinking About Summer Heat

Image credit: tungphoto / FreeDigitalPhotos.net May is here, and where I live, May means summer. We’ve already gotten a taste of summer these past few weeks, with short sleeve days interspersed with freezing cold days, but I know that very soon the seasons will turn and summer will be here full force. My foraging has […]

Going Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free- Now???

Yesterday I posted about our family’s decision to go gluten free, dairy free, egg free, nightshade free and coconut free. (GDENCF for short.) This is post 2 in the series. “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” It is the best possible time to transition to a GDENCF diet, it […]

Going Gluten Free, Dairy Free, and Much Else

I love cooking. I love being adventurous with food. I love being able to walk into the grocery store, note the sales on healthy, single ingredient items, and stock up on them. I love being able to cook based on what is cheap, and creating varied delicious menus for only pennies per serving. Only, I don’t know […]