Is Frugal Cheap? Is Cheap Frugal?

On a message board I frequent, someone linked to this article on “frugality“, which ended up getting lots of responses. Some of the people ridiculed the author for being “less than frugal” by purchasing really expensive bags, and other people ridiculed the author for missing the point of frugality, because frugal doesn’t mean cheap. Does […]

Is Frugal Cheap? Is Cheap Frugal?

On a message board I frequent, someone linked to this article on “frugality“, which ended up getting lots of responses. Some of the people ridiculed the author for being “less than frugal” by purchasing really expensive bags, and other people ridiculed the author for missing the point of frugality, because frugal doesn’t mean cheap. Does […]

Quick Fruit Shake and Healthy Sugar Free Sweetener

I’ve always been a fan of shakes for breakfast. Their ease. The fact that they’re so filling. That they’re nutritious, delicious, and a well rounded meal. That they’re quick to prepare and drink on days when you have less energy and time. And now because they’re a good sugar free, gluten free, dairy free recipe […]

Quick Fruit Shake and Healthy Sugar Free Sweetener

I’ve always been a fan of shakes for breakfast. Their ease. The fact that they’re so filling. That they’re nutritious, delicious, and a well rounded meal. That they’re quick to prepare and drink on days when you have less energy and time.And now because they’re a good sugar free, gluten free, dairy free recipe that […]

Greek Stuffed Pepper (Casserole) Recipe

I’m always looking for ways to serve nice looking food without too much work, and without spending too much money. Stuffed peppers is one of those foods; not too much work, very versatile, can be made very cheaply, and it looks nice when you serve it. I generally make my stuffed peppers, and stick the […]

Eliminating Sugar- Frugally, Naturally

For someone who tries to feed her family as healthily as possible, I’ve been feeding them food with refined white sugar for an awfully long time. And pretty much everyone knows, not just the “Health Food Fanatics” like myself, that white sugar is decidedly unhealthy. It’s been linked to blood sugar surges and crashes, hyperactivity, […]