Hearth and Soul Blog Hop

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Hearth and Soul Blog Hop, where each week, cooks from around the globe share their most delicious, nourishing, and heart warming recipes. The cooking carnival where you come to share your best kept cooking secrets, those recipes with the magic ingredient in it called “Soul Spice”-  the made […]

A Special Bike To Save Money On Transportation

This is a guest post by my friend Cara. She was a blog reader and emailed my pennilessparenting@yahoo.com address and asked me for some ideas on how to make weddings and set up a home cheaply, as she had just recently gotten engaged. In our back and forth emails, we discovered that we lived in […]

A Special Bike To Save Money On Transportation

This is a guest post by my friend Cara. She was a blog reader and emailed my pennilessparenting@yahoo.com address and asked me for some ideas on how to make weddings and set up a home cheaply, as she had just recently gotten engaged. In our back and forth emails, we discovered that we lived in […]

Cost Per Serving or Cost Per Meal… Or Not.

One of the things often found on the typical frugal blog that contain recipes is something that either tells you the total cost per serving or total cost per meal. My blog never lists that. For various reasons. Number one because prices vary all over the world, and even within the same city and state, […]

Cost Per Serving or Cost Per Meal… Or Not.

One of the things often found on the typical frugal blog that contain recipes is something that either tells you the total cost per serving or total cost per meal. My blog never lists that. For various reasons. Number one because prices vary all over the world, and even within the same city and state, […]

Moroccan Carrot Salad

When my big boy, Lee, likes a food that I make, the best compliment he gives is “Mommy, can you make this again?” With this salad, not only did Lee request when I served it for me to make it again, but even afterward, he kept on requesting on other days “Mommy, when will you […]

Moroccan Carrot Salad

When my big boy, Lee, likes a food that I make, the best compliment he gives is “Mommy, can you make this again?” With this salad, not only did Lee request when I served it for me to make it again, but even afterward, he kept on requesting on other days “Mommy, when will you […]

My Frugal Hair Removal Method

If I were really gung ho frugal and that was all I cared about, I probably would go au naturale, and wouldn’t remove any body hair. However, my life isn’t just about saving money wherever possible, no matter the “cost”, I do what is important to me, even if it may cost slightly more, I […]

My Frugal Hair Removal Method

If I were really gung ho frugal and that was all I cared about, I probably would go au naturale, and wouldn’t remove any body hair. However, my life isn’t just about saving money wherever possible, no matter the “cost”, I do what is important to me, even if it may cost slightly more, I […]

Hearth and Soul Blog Hop

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Hearth and Soul Blog Hop, where each week, cooks from around the globe share their most delicious, nourishing, and heart warming recipes. The cooking carnival where you come to share your best kept cooking secrets, those recipes with the magic ingredient in it called “Soul Spice”-  the made […]