Three Days at the River with Nothing But Our Bare Hands- Video Review

There’s this really cool couple I know, Daniel and Rebekka, that inspires me to do so many self sufficient things, to homestead, and to live a green and frugal lifestyle. We’d originally considered moving out together with them and a few other similarly minded families to a semi remote place where we’d found a community […]

Cheap Ways To Prepare Delicious Meals

This is a guest post by Nancy E., a freelance writer who loves to eat well, healthily, and affordably. In her spare time she loves to learn about education and technology. Making your own meals is a key way to save money. Spending $40-$60 dollars on groceries can produce enough meals to feed a family for a […]

Hearth and Soul Blog Hop

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Hearth and Soul Blog Hop, where each week, cooks from around the globe share their most delicious, nourishing, and heart warming recipes. The cooking carnival where you come to share your best kept cooking secrets, those recipes with the magic ingredient in it called “Soul Spice”-  the made […]

Parenting, Version 3.0- Part 2

Anneliese in her OsoCozy prefold diaper and a snappi. (She had a bandage on her belly at the recommendation of the doc cuz her belly button was bleeding a bit.) Yesterday, I shared a little update on my life and how it is raising 3 kids now instead of two… Originally it was going to […]

Update on Parenting Version 3.0- Part 1

My wonderful… and really personality filled kiddos. So, y’all may have been wondering how it’s going, having 3 kids now instead of 2. Well, I’m still taking it easy, not back to my usual activities 100%, but I do have some updates to give you on how life with three kids is going. First of […]

Sweet and Sour Curry Sauce for Chicken and Fish Recipe

My husband and I didn’t grow up with the same type of cooking at all. He grew up with some Eastern European cooking as well as South African cuisine, and I grew up with food from around the globe, but with an emphasis on Asian cooking, with a little Middle Eastern and European and American […]

Make Sure You Start the Year by Saving Money

Notice I haven’t written any blog posts about New Year resolutions? Yea… maybe one of my resolutions should be to prepare things a little more in advance, so I would have had a reserve of blog posts already written up to post after I gave birth… but haha, that isn’t one of my strong points- […]

Musings on Gluten Intolerance, Teeth, and Mineral Deficiency

I took my kids to the dentist not that long ago. I was not too happy by what I found out. My 4 year old has a ton of cavities. One so bad that the dentist said that there’s a good chance that he’ll need a root canal on that tooth. My 2 year old […]

Hearth and Soul Blog Hop

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Hearth and Soul Blog Hop, where each week, cooks from around the globe share their most delicious, nourishing, and heart warming recipes. The cooking carnival where you come to share your best kept cooking secrets, those recipes with the magic ingredient in it called “Soul Spice”-  the made […]

Foraging Stinging Nettles

I’m not a masochist in any way. Yet I eat thorns. Milk thistle that is. And one of my favorite foraged plants is a plant that makes sure to sting you every time you try to pick it unless you are extremely careful. And one time, I actually specifically tried to get stung by it- can […]