Welcome to this week’s edition of the Hearth and Soul Blog Hop, where each week, cooks from around the globe share their most delicious, nourishing, and heart warming recipes. The cooking carnival where you come to share your best kept cooking secrets, those recipes with the magic ingredient in it called “Soul Spice”- the made from scratch recipes that you make with love to feed your family, friends, and loved ones.
My co-hosts for the blog hop are:
Alea of Premeditated Leftovers,
Swathi of Zesty South Indian Kitchen
and April of The 21st Century Housewife
Favorites from last week:
Mint Bean Salad- SCD Friendly– I’ve been toying with the idea of possibly going on the GAPS or SCD diets, to heal my gut and possibly get rid of my gluten intolerance, but it seems every recipe I read is more expensive than the next. This recipe, however, is SCD legal and frugal. It makes me hopeful that it is doable. I gotta try this one out- it looks great!
Indian Spiced Carrot and Beet Salad– Carrots and beets are in season now, so I’m constantly on the lookout for new ways to make them. I’ll be helping catering a weekend for 30 this weekend (and not getting paid because I’m doing this as a wedding present for my relative), and trying to keep the costs low; this definitely will be on the menu.
Tapping the Trees– If I’m not mistaken, this family tapped their maple trees to get maple sap, which then gets boiled down to make maple syrup. Growing up, my family would tap our maple trees and the maple trees in the neighborhood and hang milk jugs on them. Our homemade maple syrup was so yummy, and this is invoking such nice memories.
Hearth and Soul Mission
It’s about food from your hearth, made for your soul. Food that follows your intuition. Preparing food from scratch to nourish your family…body, mind AND soul! Food made with your own hands…infused with energy and passion and intent. Real food made by real people to feed real families (big and small, in blood or spirit). Ingredients from scratch, be it something grown in your garden or raised on your land…food foraged in the field or woods…food from local farms, farmers, or farmers markets…or even ingredients chosen by you from your local market that will be turned into something that feeds your soul. Tapping the food memory that each of us has stored inside; letting it guide and influence our own time in the kitchen.
We hope to embrace not only the “expected” areas of real food, but also those who want to incorporate healthier choices without sacrificing their love of food…how it tastes, the memories it conjures up, the comfort it brings. Yes, we’re trying to steer clear of packaged, processed, and boxed foods in favor of real foods….without absolutely excluding the sometimes frowned upon white sugar or flour (because the body craves what it craves…and sometimes things just don’t taste the same when you replace these). Making conscious choices and being present in the now with what your body needs…and taking steps towards exploring and enjoying healthier choices. If you take the time to listen, your body will tell you what it needs.
The warm comfort of the home hearth…stories, anecdotes, lessons, adventures, journeys, recipes, meals, beverages…we want to share the “why” of how food feeds more than just our bodies…how it also feeds our souls. After all, aren’t these the essential ingredients in defining real food? Please share links from your Hearth ‘n Soul with us each week.
Rules for linking:
Recipes should include healthy ingredients and can be old or new recipes or posts. Articles on real food, slow food, foraging, herbal remedies, local food, sustainable food, organics, gardening or any healthy eating information written in a positive and loving light are also welcome.
If you are new to a blog carnival, or blog hop, it is very easy to learn how to join in the fun! Simply go to the blog post for that carnival and scroll down to the bottom where you will see a small box that will say, You’re Next or Your link here. When you click on that link, you will be asked to enter the URL of your recipe or article.
Please link to your article only and not directly to your blog front page.
Place a link back to one of the blog hosts, which means adding in the URL of the blog hop post which you can copy from your browser address bar and insert at the bottom of your post. You could also choose to place a blog badge into your post.
Please link a post that closely fits into the mission. You don’t have to link up every week…link up when you can. We welcome posts that are shared in other events. If you have an older, archived post that you want to add, we welcome that…as long as you go in and add a link back to Hearth and Soul.
Please feel free to use and share the Hearth and Soul Hop badge listed below to promote the Blog Hop.
Lets see your best recipes! Join up below! (If you’ve never participated in a blog hop before, click here to see why you should.)