Vegan Mayonnaise Recipe- Soy Free
I haven’t bought a jar of mayonnaise, other than a few exceptions, in a few years. I make my own, always. Eggs, oil, a little lemon, a little mustard, some salt, and some trial and error until you get the technique down pat. Homemade mayo tastes so much better than store bought, and I know I […]
Redneck Blackout “Curtains”
Sleep is not my family’s strong point. I have three kids, 5, 3, and 8 months old, and on any given night, I can expect that I will have to deal with night wakings not once, twice, or three times, but at least 5 times or more, and usually by all 3 kids. (It’s usually […]
Homemade Chocolate Sprinkles Recipe- Vegan
Banana peanut butter healthy homemade ice cream, topped with homemade chocolate sprinkles There are certain foods we eat for nourishment, and then there are foods that are certainly not eaten for health benefits, or even because they’re necesary at all, but rather, because they make life more fun. Frosting and sprinkles are two of those […]
Hearth and Soul Blog Hop
Welcome back to yet another edition of the Hearth and Soul blog hop. This is where you get the chance each week to share your favorite food related posts with the other visitors to the hop, and you get to check out theirs as well. The Hearth and Soul Hop is about food that not […]
“Time is Money”- Fallacy or Fact
I think one of the most aggravating phrases an extremely frugal person like myself hears on a regular basis is the quote “time is money”. I think I hear this at least once a week, either as an excuse why people are spending money on certain things they can ill afford, or, even more frustrating, […]
Sumac Lemonade Recipe- A Sweet and Sour Foraged Drink- and Sumac Juice
About a week ago, we had a get together for the ladies in my community, with the purpose of getting to know all the new and old faces. As part of the whole “get to know you” theme, we were each tasked to bring along a food or drink to share that represented some aspect […]
Foraging Sumac- Edible Wild Plant
Having grown up in a climate completely different than the one I live in now, and having only really taken up foraging seriously lately (as in the past year or two), there aren’t many things that I forage now that I foraged growing up. Sumac, though, is one of the exceptions. We used to go […]
How Keeping Up With Your Laundry Saves Money
Laundry is one of those dreaded chores in my house that never seem to get finished. I finally, finally make my way down to the bottom of Mt Washmore, and the next second, more things get dirty and get dumped into the laundry basket. And even once the laundry is washed, sorting it all and […]
The Art of Continuous Leftovers
There are all sorts of attitudes towards leftovers in people’s homes. In some homes, anything left over after a meal gets tossed in the trash. In other homes, there are no leftovers after the meal, either because there is a shortage of food, because people get encouraged to finish all the food on the table, […]
Hearth and Soul Blog Hop
Welcome back to yet another edition of the Hearth and Soul blog hop. This is where you get the chance each week to share your favorite food related posts with the other visitors to the hop, and you get to check out theirs as well. The Hearth and Soul Hop is about food that not […]