A Homeschooling Get Together… and a Barbecue
Forgive me if my post may seem a bit rambling. I’m not at home. We had an impromptu sleepover at my sister’s house, after a family barbecue, and instead of going home on two buses, knowing that my kids would obviously fall asleep on both legs of the journey, and not be happy making the […]
Hearth and Soul Blog Hop
Welcome back to yet another edition of the Hearth and Soul blog hop. This is where you get the chance each week to share your favorite food related posts with the other visitors to the hop, and you get to check out theirs as well. The Hearth and Soul Hop is about food that not […]
Reader Question- Ethics, Legality, and Frugality
Before I get to today’s post, I just wanted to tell all my readers on the East Coast of the United States, in the path of Hurricane Sandy, that my thoughts are with you. I can’t imagine what you might be going through, especially with trees falling down left and right, being without power, etc… […]
Looking for a Scholarship? – Research Every Possible Venue
Going to college and getting a degree can often help out financially, because with a degree, career options open for you, along with the possibility of a higher salary. The thing is, many people graduate college, and despite their higher salary (if they managed to snag a job in a well paying field via their […]
Homemade Yemenite Hawaij Spice Mix Recipe
Until very recently, we were having heat waves, and when all my American freinds were busy posting online about their snow falls and autumn festivals, I was thinking to myself “What fall? This is mid-summer weather.” But finally, finally, it looks like the cooler weather season is finally catching up with us. This morning, though, […]
Clothes Swaps- Perfect Way to Get Free Clothes and Declutter
Would you believe me if I told you that not only did I declutter and get rid of 4 giant garbage bags filled with clothes that were never used and just took up room in our house, but I also got all this clothes for the family, absolutely free? How’s that? A clothes swap! My […]
Keeping Your Home And Family Safe – Tips Everyone Should Know
This is a guest post. Everyone agrees that home safety is the top priority for any head of household. However, if the family has children, the need for protection is even higher. Children are less able to recognize danger and depend solely on their parents or guardian to keep them safe. Luckily, there are many […]
Figuring Out the True Price of Fruit- Exotic Fruit Edition
Pitaya, also known as a dragon fruit. I like being able to price compare to find the best deals on things, whether its clothing, electronics, or food, but the thing is, all too often, when people are price comparing foods, they’re not making an accurate comparison, because they’re comparing apples and oranges. Seriously. Apples and […]
Homemade Crocheted Flower Necklace
Lately, if you looked into my closet, you’d see far too much black. I reckon at least one third of the clothes I own are black, and I wear black clothes more often than not. The monochromatic uniformity of my wardrobe isn’t by happenstance- it was a calculated decision made to suit myself and my […]
Hearth and Soul Blog Hop
Welcome back to yet another edition of the Hearth and Soul blog hop. This is where you get the chance each week to share your favorite food related posts with the other visitors to the hop, and you get to check out theirs as well. The Hearth and Soul Hop is about food that not […]