Homemade Cajun Spice Mix Recipe

I had a bunch of livers and chicken gizzards I’d wanted to cook up for me, and my friend recommended I make Cajun “Dirty Rice” with those. Its an unbelievably awesome recipe, the perfect thing for those livers and gizzards, but I’ll have to share the recipe another time. For now, here’s the recipe for […]

Homemade Water Kefir and Tibicos- A Healthy Probiotic Drink

I’m very into my probiotics. I don’t eat yogurt because I can’t eat dairy, and I don’t buy store bought probiotics, but I do have probiotics, usually every day, and sometimes many times a day- and much more probiotics than is available in the store bought stuff. How’s that? I eat fermented foods that I […]

Sprouted Lentil Salsa Recipe/ Chili Salad with Raw Sprouted Lentils- Vegan, Gluten Free

Growing up, my husband’s family had a pretty standard menu every week, nothing too adventurous  One day, though, they ate over at a friend’s house and became introduced to this wonderful dish called “chili salad”. It quickly became incorporated into their family’s menu rotation, since every family member fell in love with it. When I married […]

Vegan Mung Bean Crepes/Tortillas Recipe- Gluten Free

Mung bean crepes filled with potato, eggplant, and zucchini curry. When most people think mung beans (if they think about them at all), they think mung bean sprouts, the standard “bean sprouts” used in Chinese cooking. However, there are so many other uses for mung beans, including mung bean pancakes, and in this recipe, mung […]

Sunflower Seed Vegan Cheeze Spread Recipe- Gluten Free, Nooch Free

I know I rarely post two posts in one day (and I should just schedule my posts so that instead of two in one day, I have a post every day)…. but… I just invented this really yummy vegan cheese spread/sauce, and it’s so good that I didn’t want to wait to post it until […]

Book Swaps- The Perfect Way to Save Money on Books

Me and books- we’re bosom buddies. I’ve been a bookworm for as long as I can remember. Some of my earliest memories involve trips to the library to check out books to read. The librarians and I became good friends, as they got to know me and my taste in books, and would recommend books for me […]