Free Phone Calls- Forever- With Magic Jack App- A Review

Would you believe me if I told you that you could have unlimited free phone calls to US and Canada, forever?
I must be lying, right?

But nope, I'm not.

I got something else dirt cheap to share with you wonderful readers.

Magic Jack.

Now, I know, I know... if you're familiar with Magic Jack, you'll say "That's not free! Its cheap, but free it aint."

I'm telling you that it certainly can be free.

But first, before getting into the free aspect- what exactly is Magic Jack?

Magic Jack is some really cool technology, called VOIP, standing for voice over IP, which (and I'm not a techie in any way, so you'll have to bear with me in case there are slight errors in my techno-talk) means that with the means of special technology, your voice is sent through the internet and connected with the phone lines, so that you can make telephone calls without a telephone.

Magic Jack has a device that you plug into your computer, which you plug your telephone into, and then you can make that phone call without paying a cent. You just pay a low fee for the device, and then a really low yearly fee for the service, and get unlimited calls to the US and Canada. There's another device, the Magic Jack Plus which you can use even without a computer. (See here for pricing details, but its something in the realm of 40-70 dollars for the device plus service for the first year, then a yearly fee of 20-30 dollars after that.)

Ok, so that's really cool, and a wonderful money saving technology that I've heard about for a while.

But it still costs money.

I just heard of and started using Magic Jack's new release- the free Magic Jack app for Iphone and Android.

So, you don't need to buy the Magic Jack device.
AND you don't need to pay a cent, no yearly service fee, no hidden fees, nothing.

So, how does it work?

First you download the apps from either of these two links:

IPhone App
Android App

Next, you open the App on your phone or tablet.

Then you sign up for an account. It's very easy.

You get assigned a phone number. I'm not sure if its just a Magic Jack phone number which works by people calling a 1-800 number and dialing a special Magic Jack number starting and ending with an asterix, or if you also have an assigned telephone number. (I assume it is the second, because whenever I have called people with this Magic Jack app, the same Florida number shows up on the caller ID.)

Then you call. Just dial the number, then press "Call".

Works great!

That was easy to follow, wasn't it?

So, does this save money?

Well, if you live out of the US like I do, but need to call people in the US, this is certainly cheaper than an international call, because it's free.

Is it absolutely free?
Well, yes, and no.

With a regular Magic Jack device, you need to have an internet line in your home or wherever in order to use the Magic Jack device.
With the Magic Jack app, you need to have your phone or tablet connected to the internet. If you have a data package on your phone that is limited, making phone calls will use up data, and will therefore cost money. If you have an unlimited data plan, it won't cost you anything.
If you hook up your device to an available WiFi network it won't use up a data plan. There are many WiFi networks available for free in public places, even if you don't have Wifi in your home.

I really like this Magic Jack app. I think its great for anyone who has a smartphone or tablet- no reason not to download it. And if you don't have a smartphone or tablet, look into buying the Magic Jack device and see if it can save you money.

My biggest pet peeve about the Magic Jack app is that it seems to be a real energy suck from the phone, so if you're going to make a long phone call with the Magic Jack app, best do it free.

This is NOT a paid promotion. I just wanted to make that clear. Magic Jack has no clue that I'm writing about this. I'm just writing about this because I think it's so amazing that I now have the ability to call anyone in the US or Canada absolutely free, and wanted to share that tip with you too!

Ever hear of the Magic Jack device? Do you have one? Do you like it?
Ever hear of the Magic Jack app? Do you have it? What do you think of it? If you have a smartphone or tablet, do you think you'll download it if you don't already have it?

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal


Thank you for leaving a comment on your blog. Comments are moderated- please be patient to allow time for them to go through. Opposing opinions are permitted, discussion and disagreements are encouraged, but nasty comments for the sole purpose of being nasty without constructive criticisms will be deleted.
Just a note- I take my privacy seriously, and comments giving away my location or religion are automatically deleted too.

  1. Replies
    1. Skype to Skype calls are free, but not everyone has skype and not everyone is logged into skype all the time. And skype to call telephones, either cell phones or house phones, costs money.
      Magic jack can call people without magic jack, just regular phone numbers, and its free.

    2. It says it sent me the phone number but I don't see it can any of you guys tell me where to go to get the number

    3. Call someone with caller is. Get them to tell you or you can look in your accout settings I believe.

    4. I have used MJ for 3 years with some technical issues. Their customer service is on line chat. It works. I had to replace my original MJ device recently. I would recommend MJ to anyone. Their advertising is accurate. Their on-line chat works fine. The cost is worth the price.

  2. I actually work in telecom, specifically Voip, and have even had to work with the company that sells Magic Jack products. They are a ridiculously shady company, have heard nothing but complaints about the company. They do things like sell your number to companies, people are called at all hours being being harassed over the phone, etc. Everyone I've come across advises to stay far far away from them as they are nothing more than a headache waiting to happen.

    Google Voice has a similar program where they give you a phone number, you can make calls for free and includes voicemail. If you decide to move your number to another service, then they allow that as well. Magic Jack (or rather YMax who actually owns all Magic Jack phone numbers) refuses to allow you to do that. Google also had far better voice quality.

    1. I'm a moderately heavy Google/Android user. Some notes from my experience with Google Voice and
      - availability of phone numbers: For years numbers with local area codes have been unavailable in my area. That might not matter much if you're calling out, but the cost to others calling you may be affected. Something to be aware of.
      - porting (i.e., transferring phone numbers to and from Google Voice): Sadly I have born witness to cases where both Google and another service provider stated that porting a number was supported, only to find that Google wouldn't actually do it. It may be the exception and not the rule, but perhaps best to consider this an option rather than a guarantee.

      Penny, I just found this blog today - the first blog I feel has content pertinent and valuable enough to perhaps follow regularly. Love some things I've learned about foraging already. Thanks, and keep up the good work!

    2. I am may be unusual here but I started with Magic Jack about 3 yrs ago because my recording device needed a phone to be hooked into it. I record one hour interviews for my podcast and guests are across the continent so it needed to be cheap as well as simple to use AND carry a good signal to record. To my surprise it actually does do what I needed. One caveat is the upgraded version and Windows 8 - they do not like each other!! Customer service has also improved to help transition people. Bottom line is - what do you expect for a few bucks a year??? I went in with my eyes open but over a barrel and have had very few problems.

    3. I know nothing about google voice or any other way of calling from Europe to the states where I live.
      we used to have Vonag (spelled wrong on purpose) for our home until we got a bill for $17,000 after Christmas and they were the only one that used that credit card. yah we dropped them. Skype is stupid. like one said how do you inform the person you're calling to have their phone (Skype) on and running? I work in Europe-how can I let people know to turn their Skype app on in a timely fashion, like when I want to talk to them now? nothing else is free? this app on my phone is easy and doable.

    4. The company is not shady for reasons of tech issues. It is however for charging $35 to port out your number (most do not). Terrible customer service. But since you mentioned it, there VoIP service is not good either. But I guess you get what you pay for

    5. I use the Magic Jack app. After using it for 1 year I had to pay 19.95 to keep my number or I had to use a different number every time and people could NOT call me unless I called them first. I opted for the 19.95. THEN when I called someone who was NOT on a landline at the top of my screen it would say 'AND 1 MORE'. I tried to get someone via MJ customer service who was foreign and I could hardly understand and she said to restart and upgrade my app and phone blahblahblah. Did that. Still AND 1 MORE. (usually with cell phones only). Then I called someone and it rang one way..then had another ring... so unless it is not a personal call I don't use it.

    6. I have used MJ n my home for years and am glad to learn why I get way too many junk calls.
      A few days ago I downloaded the MJ APP ON MY Dell Venue 8 and I have been on the MJ chat like for hours and hours trying to make it work. We're finally able to call out but the caller can't hear us. I am in South America, have 2 tab!eta and 3 phones and I cannot contact the US on any of them. As soon as I finish with this reply I am getting rid of MJ FOREVER!
      Thanks for telling me about google voice and google away.

    7. I have had Magic Jack since they came out and have had the Plus version for several years. I have never had a nuisance call and the sound is good.

    8. Have MJ for more then 4 years and N E V E R !!! had nuisance calls. It looks more like Anonymous and Joycie are trolls from competition spewing unjustifiable poison. Recently I was in Spain. Installed MJ on European Android phone and it worked fine(except is said that my number was ...some odd number starting with 011....where in fact I was assigned a Florida number which showed only on the phones I called and they could call me back no problem.

    9. I Have used this service ever since I got fed up with $50 monthly from Verison and AT&Z and other "shady" business in 2007 and I have been a valued customer almost for a DECADE now.

      I had the interview of my life, 50grand in the bank, smoking cubans, drinking that red bottle cognac
      with the wax seal on it, EXPENSIVE, the name escapes me. I had a top of the line RED galaxy S III
      samsung smart phone with MAGIC JACK and money POURING in my bank and my phone calling
      ALL OVER THE WORLD on the cheap makibng huge deals... fuck.. I can't write any more. I got the job.

      I'm in BELGIUM booking a flight to the red light district with some crazy dutch businessmen I met at
      a conference, I am supposed to meet them at the tram , I have a phone number on a piece of paper
      and I'm wasted drunk. I want to go so bad. I call the number and I hear Rickar or Vickar or whatever
      I am trying to speak in what broken drunk dutch I know but he keeps saying HALLO? HALLO?.

      next thing I know some guy comes from nowhere and stabs me, takes my wallet and phone.
      Somehow he empties my bank account ($75kUSD) and I am arrested for having no money.
      They drug test me and I test positive for COCAINE, OPIATES, LSD, CANNABIS, ALPREAZOLAM
      BARBITUATES, PCP and several new "research chemicals" that aren't even drugs that exist yet. I
      have never taken drugs in my life besides alcohol and tobacco ! WTF THE PERSON THAT STABBED

      The MOSSAD HAS BEEN TRYING TO KILL ME. I finally met Vickar Rickar ... In October.
      In Checz Republic.. I have become a homeless beggar addicted to all kinds of drugs being chased
      by Mossad agents in europe but I hide in forests under deadbodies, they cannot ever find me.
      Vickar finds me, snorting heroin in a back alley in Prague and says MY HORSE WHERE ARER YOU BEEN
      REMEMBER ME FROM THE TECHNICA CONFEREANCE JA? I'm like I call but you never pick up..

      you coud have fucking been on the phone and saved my llife. I punched him as hard as I could in the face.
      He said the call was from Florida and thought it was an old client.

      When I heard that It all made sense. Now I am going to kil myself. Sorry Dasha.

  3. Oh, I forgot to mention that they were also investigated for recording users calls without permission. That was a few years ago though, but combined with all of the other first hand complaints I've heard is just ridiculous.

    1. the government does that all the time

    2. I believe it. I am getting calls from some scam in VT that says you need to pay because you are going to get a summons to court. (I am 60 years old WTH lol) They had my name and last 4 of my SS # and I had recently used the MJ app and forgot when I was on a business call. So there you go!

    3. Thx for the info...

  4. Hi! What is the call quality like?

    1. The quality can be GREAT depending on your wifi connection. We are in Boquete, Panama right now and calling home is as clear as using a landline....clearer than a cellphone!

    2. Not good whatsoever. Calls dropped, echo, missed...

    3. Not true. I have a 4G wireless broadband modem/router.My building is not wired 4 cable or internet. But I have a strong signal in my area. I have not had not one issue whatsoever. I have the mj plus connected to my modem and the call quality is great..even when i call long distance. At 35 dollars a year..the savings are astronomical. I was paying 95$ a month to Verizon for my landline. Cutting them loose after 37 years & going with MJ is best thing I've done..

    4. I find the Magicjack call quality amazing...I've been using Magicjack at home now for about 6 months and ditching my landline for MJ was the best decision I ever made...all the free calling features, I mean one whole year of MJ service costs less than 1 month of service with the landline provider...I find the call quality appears to be very good when I call a landline number...I have had calls with echos but I think that happens when I call someone who's also using VOIP...I've only experienced one call where part of the call was 'not there'...for the most part MJ is very reliable and I can't wait to try the MagicApp when I get a cell phone.

  5. I bought the magic jack device and was not happy with the quality of the calls. They were unclear and it was a frustrating experience so I stopped using it.

  6. Using a service like this (I think there are better ones that cost some money though very cheap) can be useful on a smartphone/tablet too to save money. Instead of using an expensive monthly plan, get a cheap prepaid SIM card for data, use wifi instead and use this instead of minutes for cell calls.

    I actually tested a different service on a Dell Streak for fun and the quality was crystal clear. I don't have a smartphone or data plan, only wifi, and a tiny prepaid old phone for emergencies but I was able to place fairly good calls without needing anything but a used tablet from eBay, an app (after the trial it costs a few cents a call to anyone not on the network), and some wifi. No idea if the MagicJack app is better or not.

    I too work in VoIP, and I don't see longevity for magicjack or ooma -- the business model is not sustainable unless they are doing things on the side as anonymous suggests. Since I already have a VoIP account with my company though, I just use a softphone app with my account there for free :P A tablet is super annoying to use for call on the go though, so I use it at home as a second line. If I had a smartphone (I could probably get used), it would be better, though without a data plan, there is no guarantee wifi would be around where I needed/wanted.

  7. We also live overseas and looked into VOIP options extensively. We heard a lot of negative feedback about the Magic Jack device (I don't know anything about the app). In the end we bought an Ooma box, which is a more expensive initial investment but we heard much better things. We've been very happy with it. The idea is similar. You buy a box (we got our in Cosco for about $150) which you plug into your internet router. Then you plug a regular phone into the box and it works like a regular phone. You pick which area code you want, and are assigned a number from that area code. There are no further charges after the purchase of the box except for taxes, which depend on what area code you use. We use a NY based number, so we pay NY taxes which are about $5 a month. We have free unlimited calls to the U.S. and Canada, and anyone in the U.S. and Canada can call us at a regular 718 number. The call quality is great.

    1. My first interview with a European guest (I was calling from USA) cost just pennies (ok maybe $1 something) but it was a full hour conversation. Canada and some other countries are free I think (check that though)

    2. If calling from Europe, you can use the MJ app for totally free when calling USA or Canadian numbers...NO CHARGES at all!

  8. Does this work for people who live in the US and want to call their family who are living in other countries?

    1. If they have an Ipad or ipod, you can call them for free as long as they have the TOTALLY free MJ app is called Talkfree

  9. we went with ooma, after reading neg. reviews of magic jack. ooma offers 911.

    1. Magic Jack can also be 911 compliant - you have to set it up as such.

  10. I used the magicjack app yersterday and today and it worked perfectly, thank you thank thank for this post!!! Calling the US and Canada (from Morocco) is very expensive, and now we can keep in touch with friends and family in the US and Canada for FREEEEE

    1. how did you dial the number? mine doesn't work and it says that the number i'm calling doesn't have a voicemail box set up yet.. what does that mean?

    2. how did you dial your number? beacause mine doesn't work. it says that the i'm calling doesn't have a voicemail box set up yet.. please help me

    3. you just dial the area code and's real easy. Sounds like the person you called didn't have their voicemail set up and were not taking your call

  11. I love this site, as my husband and I try to save everywhere and anyhow we can. We are not big cell phone users, thus are on limited minutes. That said, we decided to have a back up phone for a lot of local and some long distance calling. We have the Magic Jack that is used through the computer and the problems are too numerous to write. However, these would be in my top 5:

    1. Voice quality - horrendous
    2. Moderate to severe weather conditions affecting internet will not allow us to use the phone at all
    3. Call drop in mid sentence to "search" for a signal (worse than cell)
    4. Having to go back through the setup feature at about 75% whenever the computer shuts down for any reason
    5. Customer service that is only available online and should take about 5% of the time it takes is due to reps helping 10 different customers at once (I was told this)and the frustration of knowing you will be on the computer stuck for an hour plus over a simple or even problem they can often not fix, is beyond stressful!

    1. From your description I would say you have internet service issues.
      By the way, the Magicjack app for iOS or Android works much better
      than the Laptop/PC version in my experience.

    2. reply one is sounds like wifi and connection problems rather than MJ app problems. I have used MJ for PC for over 5 yrs now...they have come a long way and are LEADERS in free call technology. I don't work for them, I just use the product and it's the best I ever used. Skype makes you tied down to your PC or laptop...MJ lets you call cell phones and landlines alike...I had a hard time getting a US number with google apps and found the MJ app much more user IMO it is still the best out there, and to be FREE on apps is totally amazing! My regular MJ costs me $100 for 5 years, still much cheaper and better quality than others!

  12. i've had magic jack for almost a year and the sound clarity is terrific but earlier with service sound was bad turned out when i called the wifi provider they checked my service and found that my wifi settings were put in wrong by the installer they walked me thru the process and it was perfect after that,i have the app and haven't made any calls with it yet but noticed when someone called me it cut in on the tablet and caller id was presented i dropped my landline and am happy with mj it offsets the cost of my wifi and my security features it depends on your situation but in my case i will not be returning to a landline

  13. on earlier comments i have a magic jack plus

  14. I'm really surprised to read the negative comments on the Magic Jack. I've been using mine for three years and not once have I ever had bad call quality. Nor have I had a telemarketer call me even a single time. The only problem I have ever had is that for some reason sometimes it does not want to make a call to a certain geographical area (San Diego to be specific) but that only happens once in awhile. Overall I feel like it is a great product and has saved me a small fortune over the years.

  15. I've been using magicjack for several years now and have had no problems, sound quality is good. Since I moved I lost my device so I purchased the magicjack plus that i have to be plugged in to the computer and it also works great. Someone posted they sell your number, well I never had any telemarketers call me. I love my magicjack. So. E people might have issues with the 1st version that only works plugged into the computer. I am a pc tech and the issues I found in most cases is that it's an old computer and or thier windows operating system has issues from malware and junk slowing down the pc and will affect the magicjack performance in some ways. Just get the MJ plus and plug it directly into your router if you have an older computer.

  16. I have Magicjack on my android phone and I couldn't be more satisfied. The call quality is outstanding whether I am calling out or receiving calls. There is absolutely no charge, I have never got telemarketer calls, or any other call that I did not want. The only thing I can figure is that all the negative replies above must be coming from employees of another company whose quality isn't as good or you have to pay for. I also have Google talk on my PC and have no complaints there either. Both services are free, so even if they had a few minor bugs I couldn't complain, but they don't. I did not have to buy a box or anything else. All I did was download them and use them daily. Five out of a possible five stars.

  17. I have magic jack and have absolutely no problems with it, and no one has ever called me to sell me anything. No telemarketers, no dropped calls whether calling out or receiving. The negative comments must be coming from employees of a competitor is all I can figure. Google talk works well also. Magic Jack is on my Android phone and Google talk is on my PC. Both are free and both work very well. Either would be worth paying for just to get the free long distance.

  18. Can anyone please suggest which version of Android OS required for MagicJack App? Any comments on your experience with this App is very helpful.

  19. I have used Magic Jack via PC for years. I have never had a problem. The quality was clear and it saves a lot of money. I recently installed the Iphone APP. I was on straight talk and I just didn't want to pay that $45 plus tax every month when I have another cell phone for on the road. It works wonderfully. I do notice on a call that sometimes it says the phone number and contact person PLUS 1 or 2. If they are listening in they will hear a boring old lady talking to her cronies lol

  20. I have installed the application to my android phone. I have a problem, I can hear people but no body seems to hear me when I do a phone call

    1. I have the same problem and I do not know how to solve it yet

    2. I had to turn off Bluetooth or remove the hands free wire for my app to work or I'll only hear people but they can't hear me

    3. After using the MJ android app to call out, it conflicts with my trackfone cell calls as the party called or calling me can't hear me, but I can hear them. I went to settings-apps-mjapp and disabled it and then the cell feature of the phone works fine. It's a little bit of a hassle and would be more if I used the MJ App for incoming calls. Wish I knew if there was a solution.

      Charlie in Maine

    4. I have a MJ but I cant get it to work on my cell phone. Did you have a hard time getting it to work? and how did you get it to work?

  21. I have used Magic Jack for over 2 years now, and have had no problems. Call quality was good, no dropped calls. I like that you can set it to email you voice mail messages. The i-phone app seems to work well for me too.

    1. how do I set up my MJ to email my voice mails into a text? I wasn't ware I could do that-our dog died today and I wanted to send text msgs but couldn't because I'm in Europe and no one in family besides me has AT&T or Apple or an iPhone. please advise, thanks in advance

  22. I had been using MJ foriver 4 yrs now. I have 2 MJ devices and Also I had MJ app on my iphone. I used one of the accounts of my devices on my iphone app. and it was working fine. But I had changed my iphone to the newer device. I had downloaded the MJ app but mistakenly registered it with my 2nd device account. & I no longer us my 2nd device and do not pay for it. So my MJ app would not work. I had contacted MJ helpdesk (what they call themselves!!!) for countless times. And each time I had to wait on the chat for over 15 minutes to get answered. I detail my problem and ask them to transfer my aocount on my MJ app to my 1st MJ account, they say that they had sent in a message to the MJ maintenance team. & it would be done. When I ask them for a time estimate, they rudely tell that "there is no time estimate. It is sent to the concerned team & they would do it." Its has been 6 mon ths now and countless calls to their "help desk". but no "help"!!!. the worst part of this app is - if you register a app from your mobile phone device, that mobile phone device get stuck to the initially registered MJ account. & cannot be changed for ever!!!! even if you uninstall the app and reinstall, u get a message-"this device is not on this account" when you try to register with any other MJ account other than the initial account. SO- I suggest - use MJ device. But be off from the app.!! and MJ device is also to be bought with caution as they a have a lousy or shitty aftersales service. though the device and the call qualities are good, the company's attitude towards customers is extremely bad.

  23. I recently installed MagicJack on my LG Mach Android. Well for the purpose that I installed it for I need it to be capable of receiving calls, but for some reason it won't let me. Help anyone?

  24. Hello, I have install magic jack but when i call to uk then said me you have not international call credit so what i do ?

    pls suggest me..thanks in advance.

    1. The MagicJack is ONLY free to call US and Canadian numbers. If the person in UK had a MJ with a USA number you would have NO problem calling free back and forth from anywhere

    2. Buy international credit from Magicjack. $10 will give you about 400 minutes of talk time to the UK

  25. I've had Magicjack for years now. I had trouble in the beginning, but the last couple of years have been great.
    I can't tell you the amount of money I saved, but it is quite a bit.

  26. I think it's implied that voip calls are free from additional charges from them but you will incur the additional cost of the internet service since this is simply a program you execute over it. Similar to how many sites offer free email services not taking into account you may be on a metered internet service that may charge additional charges for going over a data cap or roaming...

  27. I am using the app in Costa Rica with my United States phone number the clarity is great as long as you have a strong wifi signal which I do as far as them being a shady* company
    You gotta be kidding me you tell me Telecom's aren't shady this has no I repeat no fees it's totallyj free for me it doesn't have any way of tap into any of my accounts and they never asked for any you can believe what you wanna believe the way I look at it its the future just like when the cellular phones first started they all had bugs too the once everybody has wifi would probably be in less than 2 years all over the place

  28. What does it mean when your calling someone and it says plus 3 or ,and 3 more after the number or name

    1. I am wondering same.thing. Never use to.

    2. Would like to know the same thing, does anyone know why it says that?

    3. Does anyone have this answer?

    4. Would like to know the same thing, does anyone know why it says that?

    5. They record your dont talk bout anything on mj...i just found out about this...

  29. Is this app still free for 2014,becaue my magic jack nolonger work ,it told me that it has expired

    1. I have the same problem plz post if you figure out what to do!

    2. Delete the app in your device and then reinstall. It should work once reinstalled.

  30. My dad, brothers and sisters and I have used MJ for some years now and most times worked just fine for all of us. My daughter used my MJ and couldn't get it to work all the time and gave it back to me. I did find out, though, that you need to have a good internet connection and it will NOT work with satellite internet.

    I Got the original MJ and as long as the computer was running, the MJ worked. When the Plus came out I got that, because you didn't have to have the computer running for it to work. Just keep it hooked to the modem. My modem only had one phone jack outlet, so I got a wifi router and connected to that. I used a splitter and ran a long phone cord from there to another room so the phone would be accessible there as well. Having the "Plus" version is helpful because I didn't want my computer running 24/7.

    The only thing with any of these is they run off the internet connection. If you lose your connection or your power, then your device will not work (In case of an emergency, a regular phone line will always work). You have to weigh the pros and cons. At my previous location I had dsl which came with a free outgoing home line. I liked that because it gave me something to fall back on when we lost power or the net connection. Now I am hooked up to cable because it was cheaper than dsl, but have no home line.

    I kept my original MJ # from the last location. And if I include the new address in the acct menu, it will allow me to make 911 calls and my location will show up. I suppose if I was not home and visiting someone with my device on my tablet, I could put that address in as an update for the duration and if I had to call 911 from my MJ, that address would show up.

  31. I have mj plus for 4 months and am very happy. My tablet and iphone have the app on it. When I travel, which I do regularly, I use the tablet to make calls. I have never had an issue unless I chat for more than 1.5 hours - yes , 1.5 hours. I have excellent call quality and never had a complaint from the parties I speak with. My tablet and iPhone use the phone number from my account so I also receive incoming calls on these devices. Best thing is all devices sync my call history and contacts. I do not have to rekey in new contacts. I live in Canada, bought a Canadian telephone number and travel to the US on a regular basis. Very, very pleased with the app and MJ plus.

  32. I went to the Philippines and used the Magic Jack App on my Android (Samsung S4) cell phone and the WiFi from my hotel to answer my home phone in the US. Turns out Verizon charged me international roaming rates for all my MagicJack App phone calls. How did this happen? The MagicJack app won't even work if you don't have a WiFi connection. I cannot figure this out. I absolutely was using the Magic Jack App on my Android cellphone, not the phone app.

    1. Because you had your phone service turned on. You need to turn your roaming service off and allow the internet connection to be wifi ONLY

  33. I've had MagicJack for several years, maybe five or six. Over the course of that time, I've had many problems with it and many sessions with tech support. However, I live abroad and call the U.S. several times a day, and as far as I'm concerned, MagicJack is WONDERFUL! It has saved me a HUGE amount of money. I used to have problems with the call quality, but in the last year or two or three it's gotten much better, possibly because I have a faster Internet connection. Tech support has been pretty good. In short, given how much it has saved me, I am willing to put up with the problems. I don't know why so many people say such awful things about it, and by the way, I have not had the endless telemarketing calls one of the commenters here said was standard.

  34. If your business needs between 2 and 8 voice lines, then is what you need, if you need 8 lines or more then ISDN30 is a better option.

  35. I use to love my MagicJack. I have to admit, I have been using it off and on for almost seven years. I had no real issues with it and even encouraged my parents and brother to us it. Recently I bought the new version, the MagicJack Plus. When I used it, I had the people I called complain that the call kept dropping in and out. They would lose large parts of the conversation. I still didn't let this bother me. I ordered a new one for my Mum, but made the mistake of transferring the number from the existing one she had to the new device. When I called the "helpdesk" for advice, I was bluntly told that there was no way to rectify the mistake and the "old" device had been deactivated and if I reactivated it, the new one I had just had delivered would become useless. They suggested I download the app on my Mum's Android phone and then she could use the services there. I downloaded the app on my Android under my Mum's login and now I cannot log in under my login as it gives me a message saying something to the effect that it does not recognise it. Looks like I am stuck with my Mum's account on my Android. I did also download the app on my Mum's Android and am now concerned as she has both the new device and her Android under the same number. Does anyone know if I can rectify this?

  36. cheap calls app

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  37. Need to know why when I call a number it says plus 3 more??????

    1. Did you find out why it does that cause mine does that too. :(

  38. I had magicjack on my s4 but the phone got messed up now I have a used phone but when I try to log back into my account it keeps on saying my account does not match my device can someone gives me a solution for this problem

    1. You need to register your new phone with your account at mymagicjack

  39. Help please.... Download the free magic jack on my new dell venue 7 I can hear callers but OH NO they cannot hear me. Uninstalled/install many times end up having the same problem can someone please help me. Thank you

  40. You can make phone calls from your tablet/ipad (without sim card) using voip app. I use Smartgroshen app, good quality of voice! At start you get 0,50 euro gratis!

  41. You can make phone calls from your tablet/ipad (without sim card) using voip app. I use Smartgroshen app, good quality of voice! At start you get 0,50 euro gratis!

  42. What if i live in Europe and wanna call someone who has a US number but she is also in europe at the moment?would i have to pay for it

    1. No. However it would only connect if she was using a roaming cell phone or the like.

  43. I just installed the mj app on my Samsung 4. I called my family in Hawaii. My son returned my call to the number that appeared - i wonder if he was charged? He does not have the app on his phone. Can anyone help?

  44. I just tried to down load mj so.why is google trying to.charge when im on wifi and gave an android. It said app.downloaded but i dont see it."omg im.lost

  45. How to clear call history from magic app?

  46. I used the magicjack app, it worked perfectly, thank you for this great post!!! I like it.!! recording app

  47. I have a MJ+ and if you by any chance have unlimited minutes on your cell you can just use call forwarding. been with them for over 5 year and there service for the price is really great overall...

  48. It sucks unless you have premium wifi. I've tried to/used it all over the world. Again, if your hotel wifi is strong, it works...otherwise it is very frustrating. Pass on it.

  49. How do i clear my call history on the android app?

  50. I have been using Magicjack for the last 4 years and last year I had to replace my MJ as I called it.
    Being as it was still in the year of my paid subscription it was replaced free of cost with only the
    shipping and handling fee which was approximately $6.00 USD. I will recommend MJ to any one
    who wants to make phone calls economically.If your friends have MJ as well you can call all over the world without paying a cent more than your yearly fee.
    MJ all the way.I think I should try it on my Android as well.

  51. I bought a MJ years ago and used it up until about a year ago. Since it won't work with Windows 8, I needed to upgrade, which I did. The problem is, the upgraded model didn't work at all and they deactivated my original therefore I'm stuck. The MJ app works fine on my iPhone 6 plus IF...I have a strong WIFI connection...otherwise it's useless overseas.

  52. Been using MJ for about 6 years, various versions of the device. On occasion you get a crappy line connection, no big deal since Canada and the US are treated as locally you just call back. I have had a couple of MJ plus 110V power adapters fail. Again not a big deal since you can pick up a 110V to USB adapter pretty much anywhere and it will work just fine. For a cost of about $35 a year its a no brainer. And for those few instances of having to make international calls, the bare minimum $5 overseas calling option gives you tons of time.

    As for the comment about your number being sold to telemarketers. Since we got rid of the landland and went with MJ, there have been ZERO calls from any telemarketers.

  53. I've had 3 MJ Plus's for 3.5+years. There have been some issues with frustrating support, but I'm still using and liking them. Using 1 for home number, 1 for home business line, and 1 for fax line. Saving me enough $$ every 2 years for a 1-week all-in vacation in the Caribbean. Also have one with a Florida number sitting around that I picked up while on vacation there. I renew it annually, and take it on trips with me to make free calls from hotels and anywhere I have a WiFi connection on my PC, even in Europe etc.

    Quality is mostly good. I have NEVER has scammer calls after I switched to MagicJack, whereas my landline was inundated with calls from India ("this is MIcrosoft support ...Your PC has a virus ... Ya, right-o...).

    One minor issue: if I'm on a single call for over 1.5 hours, they consider that excessive use and cut me off. I just call back with my other MJ line. Small inconvenience, and rarely happens anyway.
    Have had a few 110V power supplies fail, and they send me a new one -for free. I keep a generic 5VDC power supply for when that happens again - I'm sure it will, but so what.

    Just installed MagicApp on my new Android phone -seems to work fine, but not sure yet if I can use my International minutes from the business number on my cell phone. If not, I'll just throw on $10.00 and call for a year with it.

    The MJ fees have snuck up in the past few years, but .. the savings are undeniable. I run my business on MJ, and I'm OK with it.

    Hope this helps someone out there.

    1. I would like to know if you had any problem getting your cell phone to work? I been trying for three months to get it to work and I have tried talking with MJ and got no place with them, can you help?

  54. When they make it so you do NOT need a crutch (wi-fi) to make it work then I may be interested. As far as I can see I am locked in a location unless another place has free wi-fi. Then I can pull into there (McDonalds, etc) go inside, make a call, then get BACK in my car to get on the interstate and continue calling. Doesn't make sense.......

  55. We have had mj for several years. One pymt for six years of service was equivalent to one month of a cell phone provider. My spouse is very thankful I discovered this. We had one problem early on, but customer service was quite helpful after hearing this service provided medical service to an aging parent. Magic Jack is a penny & life saver. No unsolicited calls unless we have given out our number. I do recommend this to friends, family and strangers who are discussing phone service. Hope others find this helpful.

  56. I would like to say that I had the MJ for 7 years now and I like it. I did have problem at first but I would not go with out it. I just gave my niece my old MJ because I got the new one. There is one thing that I cant do and that is use my cell phone. I installed it then uninstalled it then installed it again but just cant get it to work. Is there anyone that had that problem that can help? It says that Im not hook up to the internet out side that house. I have tried to talk to MJ about it and they don't know there ass from a hole in the ground. But with that trouble I really do like the MJ, I wont go with out it.

    1. You need a wifi or cellular internet connection for the MJ voip app to run on. Works fine then. I've been using it for years now all over the world.

  57. This is 100% accurate I know and I'm doing it, its not some late night infomercial, there is no hidden costs. I run Magic Jack through my old cell phone I used with Family Mobile a Samsung S3. I got tired of poor service out in the rural region I live. After debating for 6 months do I or don't I finally got rid of Family Mobile. Here was my reasoning, 85% of the time I'm either at work or at work, I have access to wireless in both places, basically at work like most my phone is an answering service at home my phone works just like a cellphone, my only costs is 9.00 a year so that my cell phone number is one consistent number year round I can hand out to others. Is this route for everyone no, its not meant for people who FB and twitter all day on bosses wireless, its not meant for people traveling or out and about with friends all the time. When I hear "device" in this post I'm like what device why do you need one. Your old cell is your device, a old smart phone from a friend is your device, plug this in here, pay 40-70 for it, and 30 a year? Why? Get an old cell phone and pay 9.00 to keep your number the same and your done.

  58. Looks like MagicJack/App just ended their free services. I'd been using it on my phone and tablet outside of the US for 4 years. Every year, just before my free "trial" would end, I would simply go to the website and use the renewal option to extend it for another year. This time when my subscription ended however, the only option I could find on the MagicJack website was to renew for USD$9.99/year. Oh well. It's the end of an era.

  59. Why does magicapp free trial expires? Ive been using magicapp for free for 2yrs then suddenly when im about to use it today, its not working, it says that my magicapp free trial expired.
    Any idea why?

  60. Same here, using magicapp Android version since three years ago, using it probably once every 2 to 3 weeks. It suddenly told me it has expired, called the number it gave me, but put me on hold and I gave up at about 20 minutes. Wrote an email to them about a week ago but have not receive any reply yet. If anyone knows what is going on, shout please.

  61. My magic app is telling me that my free trial as expire and that I should log into my magic app account an upgrade. I thought this app was free as long as there is WiFi available. Can someone please advise me on how to proceed with this free app!!

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  63. Magic app free use has expired. No more free calls....... now deleting this useless app from my iphone......... dang.......

  64. Yes, I was PROMISED, as a registered magicJack device purchaser that my phone calls from my cell phone (the app of which they INSISTED that I download even though I did not want to) would be FREE FOREVER! However, after about only one year, they then informed me that I would have to pay for the service if I wanted to continue to use MY OWN PHONE NUMBER OF ALMOST 20 YEARS! This is so unbelievable, and it makes me so mad that if they were here I would probably punch one of them right in their lying face. Well, at least,the lying, stealing owner who has gone on record as claiming this is necessary, when in reality it is just a thieving money grab.

  65. Guess I'll leave my question here--too--in case you don't get right to it...via email. do I use my Magic Jack (used with modem, not PC) with my cell phone (LG "Smart Phone," never activated? This REALLY has me stumped!!! When I talked to one of their people (before we were disconnected), he advised that I'll need to download an app....but HOW (for cryin' out loud)?!!! I thought maybe with a new chip (to replace the Tracfone one), but he denied this. Grrrr!!!!

  66. Pretty photo....if it's OK to say this!! Say, what is the deal with "prepared garlic?" Now we use a relatively large amount of this spice, but the (think French) device that ground up the stuff MAGNIFICENTLY...died...and the old-fashioned hand-held devices are kind've a pain (very time-consuming, etc.) I thought I'd try one of these little jars of garlic (like at Smart & Final), and the product turned out to be VERY Mediocre. Is this the usual?

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