I recently took a trip to Senegal. Not really, but I pretended I did by making a Senegalese dish with chicken, rice, and veggies. It’s quite delicious and I highly recommend it!
I have to thank my friend Claire for recommending that I try out Senegalese cooking. I based my chicken recipe on this one.
It’s naturally gluten free, egg free, sugar free, grain free, nightshade free, and good for most diets that I can think of, other than vegan/vegetarian diets. And of course, the fact that it’s tasty too doesn’t hurt!
Senegalese Chicken Yassa Recipe
1/2 cup lemon juice
3 large onions, thinly sliced
Salt (to taste- I used about 2 teaspoons)
1/8 teaspoon hot pepper flakes or to taste (can leave out)
6 tablespoons oil
1 whole chicken cut into individual parts
1 cup green olives
4 carrots, peeled and thinly sliced
1 tablespoon mustard (ideally dijon)
1/2 cup water
1. Marinate the chicken and onion rings in the lemon juice with salt, oil, and hot pepper flakes for at least 3 hours.
2. Remove the chicken from the container, and bake uncovered until lightly browned.
3. Mix olives, carrots, mustard, onions, marinade, and water in a pot. Add the chicken, and cook covered until the carrots are soft.
4. Serve over rice or without rice, if you want to make this GAPS legal/grain free.
Ever cooked or eaten Senegalese food? What foods/recipes have you had/made?
Does this sound like a recipe you’d try?