Homemade Krypto the Superdog Costume (For a Baby) Instructions
My time is short now, but I realized I had a homemade costume idea that I never shared with you, and thought the timing was right. When Anneliese was a baby, we dressed her up as Krypto the Superdog, a character in a show my boys liked to watch. It was a very easy costume […]
(Extremely) Frugally Furnishing a Home From Scratch – Bare Basics
After posting my recent post on how to have a frugal wedding, a super traditional friend of mine said “Ok, Penny, you covered the actual wedding itself, but what about all the expenses entailed in setting up a household for after the wedding?” In some traditional circles, setting up a household is part and parcel […]
The Big Reveal…
I have wanted to make this post for so long, but have been sitting on it until I felt the timing was right… But I felt bad not posting it earlier, because I felt you long time loyal readers might think either that I lost interest in my blog, and it was dying… or that […]
Lentil Chicken Meatballs Recipe- Gluten Free, Grain Free, Egg Free
My kids have pretty much told me that they will not eat lentils. They might eat them occasionally in a soup, or when I surreptitiously put them in another recipe, and on a rare occasion will eat something with obvious lentils in it, if all the rest of the ingredients combine to form something delicious, […]
Prepping for 2014: 3 Finance Tips for the New Year
This is a guest post by Nancy Evans, a freelance writer who enjoys living well on a minimal budget. It may seem as if summer has just ended, but a single look out the window is proof enough that fall is in full swing. Winter is right around the corner, which means we’re heading into […]
Chilled Cantaloupe Soup Recipe- Vegan, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free
I almost feel silly posting this recipe, because cantaloupe is a summer fruit, and we’re definitely in autumn right now, nearing winter, but… I was looking through my draft posts and saw this recipe saved but never published, and knew that if I didn’t post it now, I probably never would get around to posting […]
Super Easy, Quick, and Delicious Chicken Recipe
Legumes are cheaper to make than all other proteins, but they aren’t so quick to make, and some people really dislike the taste of legumes, or are sensitive to them, etc… This chicken recipe is the basis of my super quick, super easy, super tasty, super healthy, and super frugal supper that I make on […]
Tips for Tiny House Living
Cara’s tiny kitchen/laundry room before her husband built more shelves to make it more space efficient You might remember when I posted about when I visited a friend who lived in an even tinier house than mine? That friend, Cara, shared this lovely guest post with her reasons behind living in a tiny house, and […]
Tips for Tiny House Living
Cara’s tiny kitchen/laundry room before her husband built more shelves to make it more space efficient You might remember when I posted about when I visited a friend who lived in an even tinier house than mine? That friend, Cara, shared this lovely guest post with her reasons behind living in a tiny house, and […]
Frugal Weddings- Tips and Advice
Me at my wedding I was so convinced that I had already written a post on my blog about frugal weddings that recently, when a friend of mine asked me if I had any advice for her as to how to make a wedding cheaply, I directed her to a non existent post on my […]