Super Creamy Vegan Cheese Sauce Recipe- With Almond Milk or Sunflower Milk

Moussaka with Vegan Cheese Sauce I love cheese. I really, really do. My heaven will be made out of cheese. Or something like that. Unfortunately, cheese doesn’t really agree with my stomach. I can have it in small quantities and not react too badly, so I would do that more often, however, I recently discovered […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Week

This week, fortunately, has been pretty frugal. After my adding up my grocery expenses for this last month, I got very motivated to do things to lower our bills in general. I am going to try to make my groceries last 2 weeks, so I can lower our grocery bill by going shopping less frequently. […]

Homemade Mustardy Potato Salad- Mayonnaise Free and Vegan

Yesterday, we had a potluck picnic in the park with other families in the neighborhood. One of the (many) things I brought along was this potato salad, which was a hit the last time I was at a picnic (with my family), so I decided to make it again. While I can make potato salad […]

Prepaid Credit Cards

This is a guest post. Getting the Most From Your Money A prepaid debit card can be an easy and convenient tool for those looking to get a grip on their spending. If you are trying to stick to a budget or are trying to keep your kids to a budget, a prepaid card is […]