Frugal Accomplishments This Week

Hi there! This week was a pretty frugal week for us, despite mitigating circumstances that made it harder to be frugal. I would say the biggest frugal accomplishment this week was our not using the AC and barely even the fan, despite extreme heat.  Here’s what we did to save money this past week: Sunday– […]

Cantaloupe Curry Recipe, Made With Cooked Unripe Cantaloupe

I buy most of my produce from the “Grade B” stand at the local farmer’s market since it is much cheaper than what I can find at the grocery store. Often the produce I get there is overripe and needs to be used immediately, but sometimes, like this past shopping trip, the produce is unripe. […]

Pumpkin Fish Tacos- Gluten Free, Egg Free, Refined Sugar Free

I made the most awesome fish tacos this past week- and they were gluten free, egg free, dairy free, refined sugar free, and super yummy. My nearly 5 year old, Ike, who says he hates all fish other than tuna and sushi (even salmon, can you believe it?) absolutely loved these tacos, even knowing they […]

How We Made a Homemade Couch That Doubles as a Shoe Box- For Pennies

The first time I ever thought about making my own couch was when I was 17, living in New York on my own. I’d rented a furnished apartment with a friend, and there were three beds but no couches. I decided to turn one of the beds into a couch, with pillows, a bet skirt, […]

Homemade Coffeebucha- Coffee Kombucha Recipe- Fermented Probiotic Drink

My family has been making and drinking kombucha for a long time already- it is one of our favorite drinks. It’s healthy, probiotic, helps heal illnesses and promote general immune system strength, helps detox, is full of nutritional benefits, and in my opinion, tastes great. Kombucha tea is made by putting something called a SCOBY […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Week

This was a crazy week, and I was unable to go shopping at most of my usual places, so much of what I did regarding food was just making do with what I had in my house already. In terms of produce, I had a ton of carrots and cucumbers and tomatoes that I bought […]

Mock Baked Beans Recipe- Vegan Option, Refined Sugar Free

I cooked up a bunch of navy beans, and wanted something tasty to do with them, something that my kids would enjoy. Growing up, some days in school, the lunch ladies would serve everyone hot dogs and baked beans and I thought those were the yummiest kinds of beans. Baked beans still are one of […]

Homemade Jaggery Syrup Recipe- Low Cost Honey Replacement

Not the most flattering pic, but here’s my jaggery syrup The other day I decided to make up a bunch of healthy muffins to freeze and defrost each morning for breakfasts for my family. I wanted to make them refined sugar free, because if we’re going to be eating these for breakfast, why put something […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Week

Hi there! I hope you all had a terrifically frugal week this past week. I had some things happen that limited my ability to be frugal in certain ways, but even so, I don’t think you can tell, because I was frugal in other ways and “made up for it”. One thing I have to […]