Electric Heating to Lower Costs

Brought to you by My Electric Radiators. Most of us are all feeling the strain on our wallets when in comes to heating and lighting our homes. Anyone that keeps up to date with the UK energy news will be only too aware of the implications it is causing. It was announced only last week […]

Breakdown Of Grocery Expenditures This Month, and Analysis

With preparing for giving birth, giving birth, etc… I stopped keeping track of my grocery expenses meticulously like I was doing a few months ago… but decided to start tracking again. I started my month on the 23rd of April, continued it until the 22nd of May. Why from the 23rd? Because that’s when I […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Week

This Memorial Day I want to give thanks to all the soldiers who fought and especially those who gave their lives for the US of A. Notable among these is my dad, who served both in Iraq and in Kuwait, as part of the Stryker Brigade for the US Military, saw many of his friends […]

Cream of Fennel and Potato Soup Recipe- Dairy Free

You have no idea how annoying it was- I had typed up a recipe to post today, included all the pictures and a whole long write up… and then as I’m about to publish it, I realize I forgot to include the main ingredient, and its quantity, into the recipe… so, so much for posting […]

Indian Lemon Rice Recipe- Gluten Free, Vegan

Lemon rice with curried peas, red lentil dal,  sauted and steamed carrots, and sliced radishes One day I wanted to make something with rice, but wasn’t in the mood for plain old boring white rice. The idea for lemon rice popped into my head, so I looked on google to see if such a thing […]

How To Get The Most Use Out of a Lot of Past Prime Produce

When people saw how much produce I bought last week, most of them were probably thinking to themselves “What on earth will Penny do with that much produce before it goes bad, especially since it is past prime?” So I figured I’d tell you what I did with it all… But this post is really […]

Venice Family Vacation on a Budget

This post is brought to you by one of our partners. The work and school atmosphere can get both monotonous and draining and because of this, it’s always good to take a break from time to time. Even though there are many tourist destinations you can head to with your family for such vacations, Venice […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Week

This past week I had a super frugal week, doing things that will not just have saved money this past week, but also will carry over and help me save money in the coming weeks. This week left me relatively exhausted in a good way, but also on a high, feeling proud of myself for […]