Brrrr… In the last little bit, it actually finally feels like winter here. We had a lot of sunny days this winter, where the kids were too hot in the sweatshirts I made them wear, days where the weather felt more like April than December. But make no mistake- winter is certainly here now. The house is certainly chillier, and I do what I can to keep the family warmer, hopefully without raising our bills too much.
During the winter, the thing that speaks to me the most is hot soups. Thick hearty soups are best of all, since they warm you inside and out, not to mention tasting delicious, and can often be made very low cost.
I made this superb seafood gumbo recently from broth made from boiling up my salmon scraps(the bones, fins, etc… left after I took all the meat off my salmon heads and bones/tail) with a little salt , but you can make it with any fish broth.
It is very easy to make, and tastes divine, in my opinion.
Unlike most seafood gumbo, this does not contain either meat from animals (so it is suitable for pescetarians) nor shellfish (so it is suitable for those who avoid shellfish). It also is completely grain free and Paleo legal, not to mention low carb and diet friendly in general.
Give it a try! It’s delish!
If you’re not a seafood eater, or don’t have okra, check out my cactus paddle and chicken gumbo recipe.
Seafood Gumbo Recipe- Made with Salmon Scrap Broth, Paleo Legal, Low Carb
1 medium onion
3 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon oil (I use coconut, but any will do)
2 stalks celery, leaves and all- about 2 cups chopped
4 medium carrots
1 3/4 lbs okra, 8 cups
6 small tomatoes- 2.5 cups chopped
2 large fillets (12-14 oz) of white fish- talapia, hake, whatever…
6 cups salmon scrap broth (or other fish broth, ideally made from scraps to keep the cost down)
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon thyme
2 teaspoon paprika
2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
Fresh parsley in every bowl (optional)
1. Chop your onions, mince your garlic.
2. Saute the onions and garlic in the oil until starting to lightly brown.
3. Chop your carrots and celery into small pieces. Add to the onions, and cook for a few minutes.
4. Chop up your okra, then add them to the pot, along with your chopped tomatoes, fish fillets, spices, half the salt, and broth. (Feel free to leave the fillets whole- they’ll fall apart as they cook and you mix it.)
5. Boil until everything is softened, mixing occasionally, then add more salt to taste, if necessary.
6. Serve with chopped fresh parsley in each bowl.
Have you eaten or made gumbo before? Seafood or otherwise? What was in it?
Does this look like a recipe you’d try out?
What is your favorite type of soup to serve on a cold wintry day?
Linking up to Allergy Free Wednesday, Real Food Wednesday