The Best of Penniless Parenting From 2015
Wow, 2015 has been a whirlwind of a year. So many things happening in my life, things that, if you’d asked me about them in the beginning of 2015, I would have been sure that they would never have happened, and yet, they did. It’s interesting- I was looking back over my blog stats of […]
Paleo When Short On Time and On A Budget- Plus Sample Weekly Menu
My paleo supper tonight- chickweed and sow thistle greens, ground chicken crumbles, sauted grated carrots, and walnuts, topped with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Ever since I went paleo and wrote about it, how it makes me feel better and also made me finally be able to get down to closer to my ideal weight […]
A Happy Birthday AND a Happy Wallet
I hope you enjoy this guest post by Daniel Bailey. A child’s birthday is a very special day. These parties, depending on the age, are events that your children will remember for the rest of their lives. As such, as a parent, you naturally want to give your child the very best birthday party they […]
My Gizzard Manifesto- The Everything Gizzard Post
Cajun dirty rice with gizzards Brazilian coconut milk chicken with gizzards, my all time favorite gizzard recipe It seems every time I tell someone about preparing gizzards, people want to know what they are, how you use them, etc… And one day, half jokingly, I said I’d write my gizzard manifesto, but the more I […]
Our Family’s Latest Frugal Accomplishments
Sorry about the lack of posting this last week- on top of everything else that was going on that kept me busy, we had a stomach bug that made the week zip by in a blur, so I didn’t manage to get around to posting. And so, this week’s and last week’s frugal accomplishments have […]
Paleo Pasta Puttanesca Recipe- With Paleo and Non Paleo Options
As I mentioned earlier, I am doing a pantry challenge of sorts and I have a ton of anchovies in my cupboard that I want to use up. I figured out some really yummy recipes using them including pissaladieres but the thing is, I really am trying to stick predominantly to a paleo diet, which […]
Homemade Mint Chocolate Bars Recipe- Paleo, Refined Sugar Free, Vegan Option
I absolutely adore mint combined with chocolate, but the problem is that mint chocolate combinations are usually very sugar heavy, dairy, and not necessarily what I should be eating if I’m trying to lose weight or in general eat more healthily. However, I threw together this recipe the other day, and it was an unexpected […]
All About My Latest Frugal Grocery Shopping Trips
It’s funny how sometimes I manage to go a while without any grocery shopping and then I do a heavy shopping day- yesterday, after not having done a real grocery shop for about 2 weeks, I went to not just one place to grocery shop, but 3! In our community we have these weekly sales […]
Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookie Bites Recipe- Refined Sugar Free, Vegan Option
I’m a sucker for dessert- I sometimes really crave something sweet and yummy, and not just a fruit. The problem is that desserts usually fall in one of two categories- cheap and unhealthy, or healthy and expensive. (Ok, three- there are also expensive unhealthy desserts.) So when I’m trying to save money, I make desserts […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Week
I haven’t shared my weekly frugal accomplishments with you in quite a while. To be honest, a big part of it was me feeling like I wasn’t living up to the frugal standards I held for myself, so I felt a bit like a fraud sharing my “frugal accomplishments” which didn’t feel like big accomplishments […]