I had a really long day today, and I’m just about to head in to bed, but first I wanted to leave you with this really yummy recipe that not only is healthy, it is frugal and allergy friendly and pretty easy to boot.
Paleo Scotch eggs.
I discovered them when I was trying to come up with a main dish for a family get together with a lot of people, and I had ground beef, but in limited amounts. I wanted to be able to serve the ground beef without skimping on the protein and still tasting good.
They were a huge hit; everyone said I should make it again.
This is the recipe I used, and have since made quite a few times. This recipe has been sitting in my draft folder for a while already- I think since October even- because every time I made it, I didn’t get a picture, so finally this last time I made it, I said I’d get a picture no matter what, even if it wasn’t photogenic.
And so I apologize for the quality of the picture and lack of fancy plating- I took it in a rush, and at least some picture is better than none.
Now if you want to laugh… I made my paleo Scotch eggs… egg free. At least the sausage part. I know it sounds ridiculous, but… I don’t tolerate eggs, and wanted to be able to eat some also. Instead of wrapping mine around a hard boiled egg, one time I wrapped it around a mini baked onion, and the other time around a mini baked sweet potatoes. A whole mushroom was another consideration as well. And then you get the ridiculousness that is eggless scotch eggs, which pretty much is just veggie stuffed sausage. Whatever the name is- my version was yummy, and everyone else enjoyed their eggy version. You can use an egg in the recipe in place of flax gel. And if you don’t have ground beef or want to cut costs, you can use ground chicken or turkey for this, but may need to adjust the seasonings.
To keep this Paleo, I left off the bread crumbs one time and another time dipped it in ground almonds. Both were good, but I don’t think the ground almonds made it so much better, enough to justify the extra cost of the nuts (they’re expensive!), so I plan on leaving them off in the future. Feel free to use breadcrumbs for dipping if you don’t need this to be paleo or gluten free.
This works great as travel food.
The best way to eat Scotch eggs is with mustard sauce- loose recipe below.
As much as this is a recipe, its more a cooking idea- feel free to adjust or substitute the ingredients, just keeping the same general idea. Last time I made it I was out of all my healthy sweeteners, so I just used a spoon of 100% fruit, unsweetened jam in place of sweetener and it worked out wonderfully.
Paleo Scotch Eggs Recipe- Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Easy
Scotch Eggs Recipe
1 small onion
2 cloves garlic
1 egg or 1 tablespoon ground flax seed cooked with 3 tablespoons water until thickened into gel
2 lbs ground beef
1 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger, fresh or dry
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon honey or other sweetener of choice
10-15 hard boiled eggs, peeled
Ground nuts or bread crumbs if not making this Paleo
1. Hard boil your eggs. If you want this fancier, use only 10. If you want more frugal, you can use 15. If you use fewer eggs there will be more meat per egg, covering it in a nice layer, so even after cooking it looks good. If you use more eggs and stretch the meat to cover them all, even if you make a good layer around the egg when raw, when cooking, it’ll expose bits of the egg underneath it. So take your pick- frugal, or fancier looking.
2. Grate your onion and mince your garlic.
3. Add all the ingredients together other than the hard boiled egg and bread crumbs/ground nuts. Mix well until uniform.
4. Using your hands, cover your eggs with your ground meat mixture. I find it works best to not use super wet eggs, first of all, or the meat will slip off. Secondly, lay the meat mixture flat in your hands and then put the egg in the middle and wrap the meat around the egg, so the meat meets itself, and sticks to itself and not just to the egg.
5. If desired, roll in ground nuts or breadcrumbs.
6. Repeat with all the other eggs and meat mixture.
7. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes, or until the meat is completely cooked and solidified.
8. Serve with dipping sauce.
Mustard Dipping Sauce Recipe
Mayonnaise (homemade)
Dijon mustard
Garlic powder
Sweetener- optional
1. Mix the ingredients together to suit your tastes. If you like spicier, use more mustard. If you like mild, use more mayonnaise.
Ever hear of or have Scotch eggs before? How do you make them? Ever made them Paleo or do you consider that sacrilege?
Does this look like a recipe you’d try?
we make the meatballs then cook them in a rich gravy this dish is called Nargisi kofta & found in Bangladesh, India & Pakistan we were on country about 70 years back