Mexican Cactus Salad Recipe- Vegan, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Sugar Free
If I had to suggest one recipe to try to everyone who was skeptical about cactus paddles, who didn’t want anything “weird tasting”, this would be the recipe I’d suggest. Everyone I know that has tried it, other than olive haters, has loved it. It by far is my favorite recipe for cactus paddles. This […]
Making A Bi-Weekly Menu Plan To Save Money and Sanity
Today’s lunch on the bi-weekly menu plan If you’ve read my blog for a while or know me in person for any length of time, you’d know that organization is big challenge of mine, and my struggles with that plays out in many ways in my life, often causing issues, and many times costing me […]
Using To Save Money
I love shopping online, because I find it saves me a lot of time and money (more on that in a future post), especially if you know the right stores to shop to get the very best deals. But I always just was happy enough with the deals I was already getting on my favorite […]
Artichoke Stem Salad Recipe, Cheapskate Cooking, Vegan, Paleo
One of my favorite vegetables out there is artichoke, but unfortunately they are only available for a short season locally, but unfortunately it is now over, and from my research, it seems that peak season for artichoke in the US is over by now as well. However, I couldn’t wait a whole year more before […]
Summer Foraging and Meeting the Other Expat Foragers in the Neighborhood
In the past, I felt foraging locally was predominantly a winter thing, to the extent that I didn’t even offer any foraging classes in the summer, only the winter. Then I started realizing that I could forage year round; I was lucky enough to live in a place where year round foraging is possible, and […]
How I Preserved A Bunch of Past Prime Cherries
I try my best to stick to only buying produce in season, other than some very rare occasions, and even when they are in season, I wait till the peak of the season so prices are reasonable. Therefore, I had cherries for the first time this year the other day. I got a bunch […]