Cherry Mulberry Crumble Recipe- Paleo, Vegan, Refined Sugar Free Options, Versatile Recipe
I know I’m a great cook. But I also know that what I make sometimes can be somewhat unusual, and acknowledge that some less adventurous eaters may be too intimidated to eat something that I made, and that is ok with me too. There’s this relative that I have that falls into that category. He […]
Teaching Your Teen to Be a Safe Driver
This is a post by Nancy Evans, and the timing for it seems very apropos. No, we don’t have a teen driver, or any teen in our house, for that matter, but my husband, finally, is starting to learn for his driver’s license and has his first class tomorrow morning, so these are all important […]
Planning For A Frugal and Fun Summer by Being Organized
Image Credit- Stuart Miles If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you’d know that we homeschool our kids. Therefore, you might think that summer is no different than year round for us, in terms of being able to go on trips, etc… and for the most part, that would be […]
My Latest Frugal Shopping Trip
This morning, I was looking at my fridge, trying to figure out what I could make for myself with what was available. I saw mountains of carrots, one lone zucchini, some past prime cucumbers, and some wild greens, and that was about it when it came to available produce to use in my house. Last […]
OurPact, A Review
I let my kids use technology, such as computers, smart phones and tablets. In fact, not only do I let them, my husband and I recognize their value educationally– yes, even the ‘non educational’ games and shows on it. I think life is for learning and if having a tablet allows them to learn more […]
Super Frugal Fun Painting Date
My husband and I generally go on two dates a year. Once for our anniversary, and once for our shared birthday. I’m feeling it isn’t enough. I would like to have more one on one time only with him, time where we aren’t just at home taking care of household things and getting distracted by […]
Delicious Healthy Blue Cheese Cashew Cherry Cheesecake Recipe- Paleo, GAPS Legal, Egg Free
I love cheesecake, but, for the most part, it doesn’t exactly love me. That is why I’ve made many versions of cashew based non dairy cheesecakes over the years. The thing is- sometimes I want a dairy dessert, but there aren’t many dairy items I can eat without them bothering my stomach. The list is […]
The Evolution of Our Family’s Finances and Daring to Dream Big and Make Plans
Photo credit- Kenneth Cratty This blog has evolved a lot over time, as it has been a reflection of our finances that, too, have evolved a lot over time. When I first started out we literally were penniless, not making it through the month, insanely frugal by necessity, and basically pinching pennies so hard they […]
An Exciting Foraging Trip Today
Today, last minute, I went into the city to forage, and I came home with such a great amount of stuff that it was exciting! The kids and I picked a large amount of capers. We already picked once already this season, but just filled one small jar, and since I love capers and I […]
Making Wild Greens Yuca Gnocchi
In April, I bought yuca root for the first time. It’s rather expensive round these parts, about $3.90 a pound, but I wanted to give it a try and attempt to cook with it, as I heard it was a very versatile cooking ingredient, that it allows you to make a large variety of paleo […]